- There’s only so much oil left globally.
I’ve had to hunt down the company via a war of attrition but we got there in the end. I just needed to cross off a few rumours circulating from last week.
I was receiving unconfirmed reports from several of our sources that tankers were coming in and out of the site. However I have dismissed this as general site traffic. The current situation as of 2pm today on site in Orenburg is thus.
The workover is progressing as planned. The well head is off on A12. This means that there is currently no oil flowing or indeed water. This is nothing unusual as you can not perform a work-over on a live well.
It is now thought likely that the water influx has been identified and located. Although this was not confirmed by the company it was not denied. Investors need to cut away their emotions which I feel are clouding their judgement. These drills are not exploratory. The oil is already proven and the company are determined to bring the field into full development. Look at tiddler Wessex petroleum which shot up to 8p on a 1.25% interest which equates to approx’ 9million barrels they are still trading at 6pish, now compare why Matra are 0.9p then ask why? The reason is that confidence is shot. THERE IS A FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PLAN BEING DRAWN UP HERE. IT’S ABSOLUTELY MADNESS. This is NOT I REPEAT NOT AN EXPLORATORY DRILL THE OIL IS THERE! Even at 15 million barrels this stock should be trading at many times what it is. And remember that the OIP will significantly increase over time.
Yes it’s a pain in the back-side that all around Matra’s Sokolovskoe oilfield various other company’s are pumping oil. What this should tell investors is that the Sokolovskoe oilfield will be fully developed. Remember the well produced high quality oil from a Devonian carbonate reservoir (Aphonenski). This was appraised by well “A13”, which completed operations in summer of 2010. The Arkhangelovskoe Production Licence was awarded 22nd December 2010, and is valid to 31st December 2030. So although this water influx has been challenging eventually they will overcome it and develop the field. There are big gains here for those who have not succumbed to the utter nonsense currently being posted online. The company are fully focused and they will bring home the bacon for investors. Stick with them! Ask yourself this question. What price Matra on full field development? Massive opportunity here for those with a strong constitution!
“Investors need to cut away their emotions which I feel is clouding their judgement” – BMD if you have cut away your emotions you would not been stuck with MTA for so long!
“Confidence is shot” – if there were unable to work out the issue, what would MTA expect the investors to do?
thanks dan. Seems that the matra bod have no confidence either and the market can smell it…………why cant they put out a half positive rns explaining the present situation !! have they no investor relations dept ?? you are all we have……………
Fantasy! did anyone, the BMD Blog especially, hold a gun to your head to buy the stock?
Or did you read the fundamentals posted by the Blog and think “mmm I can make a quick buck out of this one…?”
Guess you’re a long term buy and hold investor now, well done you;-)
i am still confident that this company will get it right that every time they dip i buy more shares
This company pisses me off bigtime but Dan is spot on the oil is there …they just can’t seem to get it out. Long term this Will be a multibagger
Dan PLEASE can you interpret the rns by aminex yesterday and share your thoughts. Us holders have been left in the dark a little….
Please can you provide an AEX update
dan please find a spare 10 mins to post an aminex update – investors are suffering
Always great to see any updates on this share as a long time holder. Saying that the only relevant element of this update it that the company have NOT denied they have identified & located the water ingress.
Does anyone who know’s the industry have any idea on potential timescales for well A12 to be saved & put back into production?
thanks dan. Can you provide an update on my holdings Aminex and Encore if you get a spare minute?
Just seen a raft of comments regarding aminex. Could you spare a thought of them to me also? perhaps ser if you get 5 minutes but dont worry if you cant
Plz updste xcite energy / Max / aminex
Hope you don’t mind me asking how recently and at what price was your most recent top up of MTA Dan? Your upbeat opinion indicates that this should be a candidate for an averaging down.