I was going through the comments section this morning when I came across a comment from Spidy. Spidy rather cheekily tried to get his link into his comment. Now this triggers the spam filter, for obvious reasons we can’t have links hither and tither unless that is they actually help private investors. On further perusal I discovered that Spidy runs http://test.navcalculator.com/ I checked it out and low and behold it’s quite a very good site. With many applications all free for the subscriber.
Dynamic Calculations
Account Management
Community NAV’s
Check the site out by clicking this link. http://test.navcalculator.com/
The moral of the story is that some times brazen cheek pays off.
Excellent site Spidy.
Thank you, Dan. NAVcalculator.com is indeed an excellent site.
Hi Dan,
Just checked my BMD RSS feed and seen your post! I am pleased to hear you like the nav calculator site.. Although it is still a work in progress (As is your new site) I have created a few sample NAVs for GKP, MXP & RRL.
I disabled user registration as there is still some work left to do. It was originally created for GKP (Original GKP NAV: http://www.navcalculator.com/GKP_NAV.php) and after the reception it got from PIs I decided to do a multi company site where users could create their own NAVs
Your post has made me decide to finish the site and open up registration once and for all…
Many thanks
I must say I was very impressed with it. I could do with some thing similar for the new site which should be finished in the next 4/6 weeks.
Any ideas gratefully appreciated.
If you come up with any thing I’ll put a link on the new site for your site.
I have just enabled registration which is free. Once your registered you can save settings for any of the NAVs so all your settings get saved including changes to figures and all other variables.
Here is an example of what you get when your registered.
My email is on this page: http://www.navcalculator.com/contact.html
feel free to drop me a mail if you would like to talk more.
Great site. Thanks spicy and Dan . Glad mxp are on, my 2nd largest holding and number 1 most frustrating share . Keep finding oil