, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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  1. Oil Stock Lover says:

    Lets be honest, with the RNS saying they know no reason for the rise regarding oil finds, etc, then if the 900 million rumour was to be proven, or anything similar, Roxi would be in serious trouble legally. It would also lead to insider dealings investigations. So I would assume the rumours are false. The question is where does this rumour arise from? And if it’s a forum, who provided the rumour to the poster, assuming they were posting second hand info. If it’s the city to blogs, then it shouldn’t be hard to back track.
    The problem with rumour is it’s rumour, a statement without evidence. We all remember what happened with rumours at Desire.

  2. paul says:

    That’s an easy vote. Its the same every time GREED, by those who do not bother to looking for a quick profit, rather than an investment.

  3. Che says:

    If there is any truth in this, they must be using a pioneering technology which does not involve drilling. Roxi state that drilling is only planned for 2012 / 2013. The 900m barrels claim is identical as earlier company publicity estimates – up to 900m barrels. Unimaginitive Pump and Dump .

  4. Jonny says:

    This dropped on one duster from around 12p to 2p. There was no questions against the huge drop then so why does there have to be a conspiracy on a slight recovery? Some big purchases yesterday morning started this off and it would have got a lot higher if RXP didn’t have to release the RNS. One day soon I’ll break even on this at 11p – good job I only had a punt!

  5. DAN says:

    up 5% on fresh air as always, effectively in admin, zero oil,zero production, zero % success rate,zero revenue. this must be the most manipulated share on all AIM. they have no money to drill, yet they HAVE to drill as they have no revenue. so 9th fund raiser it will be, giving away x amount of equity at under 10p – how many more times can they do this? a worthless shell imo your right mate I am going to have a heart attack, going to try and make an official complain to AIM as the MMs are taking the pi$$ with all these non producers like DES and ROXI who dont have a drop and can double quite easily. Yes as we know, mxp found oil on almost every well this year, fully funded, have revenue, production and a going after over 1 billion barrels in a matter of weeks, with great infrastructure. even if DES astound the market and find oil it will be years before a return is seen due to havin no infrastructure, would you trust the almost fraudulent board? the so called experts keep saying mxp needs flow rates, well one shallow increased production by 50% yet nothing happened, we are then told its the negative market, well ROXI fly today on hype alone, dont have a drop of oil. we are told we need to prove up all our oil finds, but rockhopper flew from 30p to 550p and at that point had not proved up sea lion – although rockhopper are a different animal I am just saying. remember when having oil was actually a good thing. incredible. heading into the jackpot deeps at 12p, yet DES from to 180p on fresh air, the the evian incident
    its incredible that they can actually get away with it, and if im honest mate im a bit jealous and bitter. I mean max are up the road from roxi and have everything they dont have, oil, revenue, production, fully funded, and hitting oil on almost every well in 2011 – seems to be a bad thing finding oil these days, whilst these non producers can fly on hearsy in a newspaper, its a casino. Roxi had no flow rates, yet that’s whats apparently holding max back. we are going after over 1 billion barrels in a matter of weeks. dont mention DES either, effectively in admin, yet added 5% today, again like this on f@@k all, max cant even add 5% when it finds oil, which it has done a few times this year. im going for a pint, dont be surprised if you hear about me on the local news mate. its so frustrating, we have all the potential and are doing everything right, yet cant move…..then we see shares like roxi fly on fresh air
    so why do roxi not need a headline discovery? but max do?
    I am sick of these DOGS of a shares having consistanly better luck than max who are doing the business

    p.s Dan you are getting some jip over on the boards mate, people saying you always pump and dump stocks. eh fair play mate if your making money who gives?

    • Brokerman says:

      Funny people these online loonys it’s like no-one else is allowed to post or discuss the pros and cons of a stock. Strange and weird as it may seem I think it was actually The Financial Times that all those so-called posters were quoting before I actually posted. My email box was bursting with calls for a view on Roxi. If they had confirmed 900 million I wonder what these “posters” would have said? Probably exactly the same. The boards are populated by day-traders pretending to be investing telling each other lie upon lie! Cheer up Dan I’m still well down as well got mine at 12p! That’s the way of the market the FT can publish an article and get away with it because it is a world class financial. The Market can manipulate stock,investors, Blogs can throw in their two penneth and posters on chat sites indulge each other the fact remains that we are all culpable because we are chasing Money.


  6. DAN says:

    Dan – is there an official governing body like the FSA for the Banks, on the AIM market? I feel i need to make a complaint, I no it will do nothing, but its so wrong the manipulation that is going on with all these non producers

  7. Dan says:

    Doing the rounds is Mxp have struck 900m barrels of oil………..

    Boom……you can stick a zero on the current share price !

    Only joking , seriously thanks for the input , sorry about the above rambling I was a bit tuned in at the time having nipped to the pub to drown my sorrows. You wont be seeing me on the local news I am going to stick it out with max .
    You are right , you cannot win mate, if it had been oil, the boards would of been saying you are Rubbish because you didn’t give anyone a heads up, you did give people the same heads up as the FT so your hardly lying or using questionable sources . I agree, full of day traders all with motives of their own , I ain’t got any motive I just think max deserves a bit of luck

    • Ritchie rich says:

      Yeah I agree how can MXP not be trading @30p plus levels? The whole market stinks.
      As for the chat sites they’re populated by shisters and Liars Hub is the biggest liar of them all a real scumbag., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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