Just what’s going on at LSE Noventa chat these days? It seems that any kind of genuine debate regarding Noventa results in a Ban by the power’s that inhabit the London South East bulletin Boards. Lots of emails on this very subject! They’re dropping like flys over on LSE!
I myself was banned, by the numpty that runs the site, several years ago. It’s apparent that the LSE site is running scared…… NOT SURPRISING REALLY AS THE SITE WAS AT THE CENTRE OF SEVERAL MONSTROUS ramping and deramping debacles. (Provexis, PYC being just two of them) with complaints to the FSA RACKING UP. In actual fact it’s quite a decent site and well thought out the navigation is extremely easy but what lets the site down is its cliquiest culture. These cliques have dogged the site since its inception and they are favoured by the moderator/s over other subscribers. One only has to look at the amount of new subscribers who get banned when they tangle or disagree with the Cliques.
The site is run for one reason and one reason only and that is to make money for its owner/s. Any threat to profit however small whether that be from disgruntled subscribers or Cliques threatening to cancel their paid subscriptions gets dealt with ruthlessly profit comes before all.
There’s no objectivity it’s all subjective reasoning with their moderator/s and theirs no right of appeal in-fact there’s no contact telephone number whatsoever! All is not tickety boo.
Have to disagree. LSE is a complete dog’s dinner of a site. Not as bad as ADFN but much worse than III and that one is not great either…
London South East is a frigging joke Dan.
The geezer who runs it is a real tosspot. As ya say its all about money for his pocket mate.
Been banned twice for nothing more than telling investors that PYC was being investigated by the FSA.
which was true.
LSE is a joke site run by a moron.
LSE has the potential to be great, shame they moderate according to their own interests rather than the abusive and irrelavant content. It will be interesting to see if they have the guts to leave the recent content on Noventa and speak up for themselves, even if it is an apology and determine to take the path of truth. Actually this is an ideal opportunity for them to perhaps sack their moderator, and clean up their act. If they want proper respect and honest success, they could make a new statement of intent and move forwards. I just wonder though whether there could be rampers or de-rampers in their pay? Wouldn’t like to guess, but it is a suspicion.
Your attention is appreciated We’re trying to expose the Noventa 419 scam -Some of the Directors and schemers/scammers behind SX companies are very paranoid, with due cause. Only superficial digging exposes them. they are worse than MI-5! Some are MI – 5 rejects, so it’s to be expected. We are only trying to keep them awake at night. If you see the money these guys like Moventa can waste, you will see that a few quid to the LSE is peanuts. But we have only just started. Yeahman, viva the Investor, viva Mocambique!- regards Miningsense and Miningtruth – x
funny how Dan only puts posts up from people agreeing with him. Posted earlier but as usual it doesnt get put up….
Your name suggests you’re the admin from LSE. I take it that in actual fact your just one of their subscribers. You may have posted earlier and ended up in the spam filter as such I just do not know. Spam gets automatically deleted every two hours. This is a Blog and the opinion on here is germane to it. It is not a fully functioning web-site with paid subscriptions and as such we can and will continue to post what we bloody well like. We post opinion people do not pay for it they can read it and digest it then move on.
share forums are mostly where immature people rant about nothing. Occasionaly you get a good poster but they are scarce.
The advfn boards are ridiculously bad as well. Simply a bunch of people ho have nothing better to do than post crap comments. im grateful that this blog exists.
Dan I thought u wanted people to pay to subscribe to your ramps on here?
See you have a little team of posters on the boards defending there beloved Dan.
Stick to ramping for personal gain like your doing with this site….
Are you serious Dan?
Don’t you realise the power and influence LSE and ADVFN threads have on pi’s,advfn employees can post on any thread they wish,
Now can you imagine say 12 of them all frequenting the same thread trying to push up the sp,and then when a intelligent poster comes along who disagrees (upsets the apple cart)with them and also states his reasons why,they just ban him (because as employees they have the power to do this,or phone who can)
This is widespread amougst their employees and is making them thousands,wouldn’t surprise me that the original site constructors set advfn up with this in mind,i know for fact they know it happens,
What better way is their thgese days to ramp up a sp,they are the modern day boiler rooms
‘MiningTruth’ was removed from LSE, Noventa board this morning. LSE rules were 100% kept, no insults, no personal attacks, no unfounded comments. This shows that TERRIFIED Noventa were able to manipulate the LSE site. Noventa is a catasrphe waiting to happen and Miningsense & Miningtruth (first to be removed) laid out very clearly why. If Noventa cannot raise $38m on TSX, the plant project cannot go forward. Noventa management were challenged to give details of the projects anticipated costs and PPM, the management company handling their $30m(?) project. It is amazing that reliable sources say a better process plant project can be done for HALF THE PRICE Noventa have agreed to pay for it! Noventa do not name PPM on their website. LSE are obviously being paid to remove the posts. They have NO motivation otherwise to remove posts. This is a sickening shame on AIM, the UK and Mozambique. LSE have proved themselves as misinformers. They are not a joke. They guy running them is no moron. They are involved with manipulating investors and creaming millions. This is corruption at quite a high level.