Eastern,western and northern. 3 Types of Rockhopper penguin.
Just a quick one for those of you who have emailed regarding how RKH chose their name . The company name Rockhopper comes from believe it or not the Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes (chrysocome) filhol, moseleyi) there’s 3 types that migrate to the Falklands.
No news as of yet on the ongoing drill however we do have very good lines in to the company. So we will be listening in here for any smidgen of news. And of course we will be passing that on.
PS Come on we’ve nearly hit our MONEY give-away target!
Thanks Dan.
August 28, 2011 at 10:18 am
dan, have u now dropped mta? U never blog anymore on them? I still think a12 will produce. If u have dumped mta me and many others subscribe to your chargeable annual service. U need to restore faith in mat bud
dave: Dan cannot restore faith in Matra. The only way is for Matra to restore faith by way of restoring production on A12 & A13 and that is where the problem lies. The water is a serious issue. The work over rig is back on site and work is progressing on A12. Hopefully they are doing this because they feel that they have a chance in getting A12 back on production. Matra are due a change in luck sometime this century!
Keep the faith Lt we will all be millionaire with mta one day in this century…;)
Ciao Dan