, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

GKP. Takeover.

Over one hundred emails (and 40 direct messages on Twitter) in the in-tray asking for an opinion on takeover rumours regarding Gulf keystone today! Let me first say that there’s no-doubt that GKP have over the last year or so attracted attention from major oil institutions. At any one time there are always rumours and discussions involving possible TO re’ GKP. Can’t say I’ve heard any regarding this 800p offer. I did speak to a friend of mine this afternoon from the daily mail. She was as bemused as I am. There’s no substance to it. However if they open up at £3 then there will be! I doubt it. Why would any potential suitor disclose their hand at this moment in time when they can Hoover UP stock at £1.40pish? They are a takeover marketable company but the current economic mood plus the unstable theatre of operations (Kurdistan/Iraq) would certainly act as a brake on any Major oiler coming in here. Remember there has been much talk of takeover here in the market unfortunately it has turned out to be just that talk! I do think that eventually they will be taken over but again it’s how long is a piece of string? They are a great company to be in their potential is truly Gargantuan. And as always make no mistake they are under watch from various Majors. But 800p vis-a-vis Fridays closing is a bridge to far!



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  1. Monster Munch says:

    I saw the title to this and said Yee ha! We will just have to wait and see., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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