, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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  1. AC says:

    Dan, an update on Pele would be welcome please even if it is just to say sorry guys, got it wrong. November: “So just what should Petrolatina be trading at? Well certainly not 40p! There is a distinct possibility that an 80/100p target is on the cards here these will begin to rise just like xel have on expectation of further good results!
    A cool head will help here. Cold fact is that they will rise significantly!” After results its now at just 25p after losses were higher than expected.

    • Brokerman says:

      Time is the key they have hit 90p and you’re right it is disappointing at the moment. Hence the “a cool head is needed” opinion.
      Luc Gerard, Executive Chairman of PetroLatina, commented: “I am pleased to report on another year of progress for PetroLatina. During the year we have consolidated our position as a leading operator in Colombia, with one of the largest acreages in the Middle Magdalena Valley, increasing both production and revenue.Our decision to continue to focus our efforts on the development of our Colombian assets has proved successful – the country is now generally considered to be amongst the fastest growing and most stable in the region.”
      I dont think Luc Gerard is too concerned. He has a cool head.

      Dan, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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