Lot of nonsense being posted and written on Matra as of late. However we here have the definitive Matra story which will be posted in the next day or so.
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google.com, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Lot of nonsense being posted and written on Matra as of late. However we here have the definitive Matra story which will be posted in the next day or so.
The post will be password protected.
I think most matra pi ‘s are now on their knees either praying or most likely through some form of breakdown . What we really want to know is why the wider market have no confidence at all in this company ? What are we missing and they know that we dont ? Matra have the licence and the oil is flowing yet nobody is buying , yet des for example have nothing but sand and sea water .
id rather be in des to be honest, more speculative upside. at least we know where we stand with des its a gamble.
My theory is that some shares trade on hope, like XEL did, but the moment things get real people become disappointed that results aren’t sky high, like XEL did. They’re prepared to throw money at a share which has never found oil like DES, but MIGHT find it, rather than at a share that has found oil but not as much as was hoped for like MTA. Long term one of those companies has the money to keep going and one doesn’t.
I just hope I’ve picked the right one. š
Something is happening at Frontera resources, the SP has jumped dramatically, has Brokermandaniel done any research? FRR have good potential and would love some info from Brokermandaniel.
I have to agree with Joseph on this one. Oil has been found, it is pumping and there is a large reservoir at Soko. What more could a pi want?
I hope the news coming this time will take the sp up . Still cant understand why this sp for matra is gng down?
if there is a god, please hear our prayers and make us mta holders at least get our money back sooner rather than.later. I know patience is a virtue but mta r taking the Mickey.
Dan, still not rec’d your email – have you replied yet?
Dan , why are comments now getting deleted from these blogs?
Such as?