Blind Dan?
Just a quick note here on spectacles. I’ve recently had an eye test apparently I’m in need of reading glasses. Well actually it’s not apparently it’s certain I picked up two sets yesterday before I set off on my travails to Newcastle. I always thought that I was never affected by vanity unfortunately I now know how wrong I am. I look a right pillock in them. Don’t get me wrong the spec’s are terrific and they cost a small fortune they react in sunlight and shade over. So my question is this where the bloody hell are my new spectacles? I can’t find either pair of them, have I left them in A/ Hotel,B/Restaurant, C/Motorway service station or D/Subconsciously dropped them on purpose? And another thing how the hell does one keep ones spectacles on one’s head? Mine kept falling off every time I leaned over to read a confidential report on yes you’ve guessed it Range Resources! Is it an omen or a portent of good things to come find out over the next few weeks when Dan the man finds his glasses!
Blind Pugh!
Lanyards .
Lanyards? Whatever they are I’ll check them out. Sounds a bit like some kind of seafaring device.
Lol have u left them on your head?
I think they’re in my colleagues car. Of course he’s out on the town tonight not answering his mobile.
Hey Dan,
Don’t wear specs myself but I think you should get yourself a cord and keep them round your neck at all times in case of breaking emergency Range news!
Have a nice Weekend!
Shoulda gone to specsavers
You noticed VAST – up 31% today.
Hi Dan
yes, it’s no fun getting older but glad you’ve got a good sense of humour. Just to say that they shouldn’t fall forward or off when bending your head forward, so they haven’t been fitted properly at the Opticians’. It will mean another visit to get them adjusted but it’s a quick job when done by an experienced person.
Good Luck.
Phew! Blind Dans’ Bluff. Thank goodness it wasn’t blind Dan in the buff!
superglue! not called super for nothing. if you see ian’s bank card in the same place can you let me know. hahaha. s
feared to get the test…..might suddenly see that I’ve not actually been banging a cheryl cole lookalike
Think Larry Grayson !
First name that came into my head when I wore them!
Dan, get contact lenses and I still can’t see the newsletter 🙁
Good luck with the website.
Nick aka le_twatter
I don’t think you can get contacts for readers, Can you?
I’m long, short, near, far, everything sighted but get the lenses in and I’m fine:)
I wear 1.5 readers, same problems as you,
I could not get away with a bifocal, or a varilux so I have one nice pair for “dress” and about a dozen cheap “off the shelf” readers . These I leave next to the PC, the TV chair, the downstairs office, next to the bed, two pairs in the car, favorite jackets etc a couple have the lanyards or chords (which are useful) but honestly I still have to hunt high and low for a pair.
Best of luck
I am always cheered to hear the words ‘Range’ or even…’San Leon’, now and then! Good stuff.