, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Range Resources. Further reading.

At present I am trying to source some much-needed independent analysis on Range Resources from several of our contacts. I’ll keep subscribers posted as and when we get the news. Well done to all who down-loaded the recent RRL report. Over 2000 downloads! It just goes to show how collectively PI’s can level the playing field when they stick together.  It’s all about gaining information and researching your investment plays. Great to see Range on a charge which I expect should continue as the news time-line gets ever closer on the big plays. Lot of market interest being encountered here. Traffic stats on the blog reveal some interesting city of London IP’s. Oh I have received an email from the provider of the RRL report requesting that I remove it under pain of death etc. So I will leave it online and delete it later tonight.

Watch this space news is being sourced.

Thank you to the few who have assisted the Blog with their support.



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No Responses

  1. MoMo says:

    Thanks Dan,

    Whats your price target now, before it was 2-5 pounds?

    • Brokerman says:

      Long term they could very well hit £5 it depends on what they find in the big plays. It’s all about the numbers. Lot of oil =big payday no oil is the reverse! Research them and decide your level of risk.


      • Mrs T says:

        Hi BMD
        I’m not surprised the authors of that report want it removed with the glaring mistakes of mixing Range Resources Ltd and Range Resources Inc., (see p.23). I’d say glaring schoolboy error however, people have paid good money to Global for that report and that money had paid the idiot who wrote it’s wages! Never was the phrase DYOR more pertinent!

  2. Mo says:

    Love the password!

  3. Jay B says:

    Thanks Dan Keep up the good work.
    Love the password to this one . Imagine Spikeys face having to type that!!! Laughing myself at the thought of it.

    J B

  4. OB1 says:

    Thanks Dan,

    Love the password, I know you will be getting sick of what I am about to ask but ask I will, any updates on MTA in the near future SP taking a bit of a beating after Fridays build up, just soo excited about the potential upside to this Co?

    Cheers Stolly

    P.S Just clicked the ads to add another brick to the school

  5. astroman says:

    Dan you’re a case! But the truth is the truth this spike character is full of sh**
    He must be clicking on to your site every five minutes. What a gashead.
    Well done for brightening up my day cant see him posting that password online can you?

  6. Acestar says:

    Thanks Dan,
    Lov the latest password, keep up the good work.

  7. KatyBlue says:

    Haha love your cheeky passwords. Oops sorry Spikey 😉

  8. splitinfinity says:

    Great password. And good work on getting the report out to us. Are reports like this created for all other companies, say like Matra Petroleum?

  9. paul says:

    SpikeyDT is not one person i believe ….

  10. John says:

    Do you guys think RRLs sp will go up in the next few weeks?

  11. alphabatim says:

    You are an invaluable breath of fresh air.
    Much appreciated. Do you intend to have a donation area on the site for your school project? Why not expand it to a community development project supported by the BMD community?

  12. Nibor says:

    Dan, do you have a view on the future price of Beowolf? Thanks!, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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