Just a quick one. The new web-site template is now online . You can view it at www.brokerman.me.uk
Please do remember that this is a template and is currently being worked upon so changes will occur. It is not the finished product.
Constructive comments PLEASE!
Looks very professional, aint just cleaning your ring I’m seriously impressed mate. Does come over showing you as being a lil bit of a slapper for an invoice with the size of the ad’s but only actually 12 in total, possibly they could be reduced in size slightly. Get the forums going asap , I’ve binned lse and ii for time being, cheers
It’s just the template and will be honed over the next 3/4 weeks
looks good overall, but there are alot of adverts,
not sure what the point of the global network part is ?, along with the adverts i not sure why this is there i think too many adverts and people will switch off ??
possibly have the shop on a seperate page
There just to flesh out the template. Advertising will be limited and the shop will of course be placed on a seperate page.
Thats not worth a penny, someone is pulling a fast one on you.
Thats a free template .
If you gave me the contract to design your site i would have made a better design and delievered it within 3 weeks or less.
A free template? It is being designed by Cheshire based Hamsedson web design.
There’s no pleasing some!
very professional no prob with adverts
Looking good – like a glossy magazine. Much easier to read and a good layout.
Could we please have silver prices as well as gold.
omg.. my EYES dan, I’m thinking about suing for assault mate.
Ad’s need to go. spam “news” needs to go .. season five of lost.. goodness me c’mon more meat, less filler.
One banner at the top, one at the bottom, then paid subscription, not only is it currently an eyesore, but it makes you look amateurish.
The ads are there for display only. There will be ads displayed in the final cut but these will be tastefully placed and designed accordingly. Ad revenue helps with running costs.
Unless you are proposing a substantial donation to help with running costs? Which obviously you are not. Remember it is a template.
Well done Dan. The revolution is truly advancing and I can see opposition party (I mean the II’s, city and big boys) to this really catching a cold in the hot summer weather.
Sweet new website!
Looks good to me.
Like the world famous bit at the top that will certainly get under the noses of Hub and his gang of morons. As a matter of fact it’s the truth your site gets hits from over 140 different countries Dan Most impressive.
A mobile device version please.
The blog works well on the iPhone!!
Dan, I share your vision for private investors and think it’s incredible that you are making it all happen. The site looks fine to me but, if I’m honest, I don’t really like all of the military imagery- Che Guevara, really? I’m just a peace loving investor looking to make an honest profit!
id’ be happy to click and ad each time i logged on to get revenues up,
also what about interviews with established PI’s/directors etc i think that would that would be of great interest to the PI community
Yes we will pursue this. Good post.
not what i expected Dan very impressive look forward to it going live
Awesome… Will it still be free for us folk who were already signed up, please.
Decent template Dan.
I know you have mentioned it but please go easy on all the adverts. Please no Flash or rotating adds, just stick to static images and texts for ads.
Dan, Looks excellent and a great improvement. My only gripe is will it be possible to get mobile site access for use on networks with decreased bandwidth. Your original website could be a pain sometimes loading up on 3G as there is a lot of background. I realise I may be a niche user as all my trading is usually via iPad / Blackberry as I work in areas with little or no infrastructure.
Thank you, Good Luck ! Ben
Aesthetically pleasing site.
I like the fact that search functionality is going to be added to it – there’s often been things on the blog I’ve wanted to find, but it’s taken me a while to locate them. This should now make things a lot easier.
Totally agree that ads are needed for running costs etc. If text ads can be used over image ones, it’ll keep file sizes down and help those mobile users. It will also minimise intrusion on content (but still keep revenues for the site).
It’ll be easier to post more constructive comments as the template moves into html as opposed to images. Keep us up-to-date with progress!
To Matra Petroleum
If they have problems with the road because of the weather and it is the same every year, why did they not build a road for heavy traffic last year, all this mess is waste of time
Dan Your website looks great like offical news paper one but
please do consider that your website is access from other parts of the world where internet speed is very slow so it might take some time to load the whole page , right now I am in Pakistan and it took few seconds to load your new website i am using 512kbps internet
Didsbury ?
Good on ya, Dan. As long as there are no windy-twisty-flashy ads thereupon, I’m with you. I’m keen for un-spun info. I’ve been watching oilies on the AIM for 3 months, invested back in Oct ’10 (in AND out of Des in time for a small profit) EO first, then XEL and RRL. Knowledge is power but I NOW know the game is is skewed and PI’s are more akin to Prey than Private. I see your site as an attempt at redress. So thanx and keep on keeping on! Ms P
Dan meet you last week at the seminar. Thanks for the opinion s on xcite. Spotted you in Tottenham on Sunday as well. Is that where you live? Nice BMW Dan
Seems your bandwidth is all used up each time I try to check out your new site 🙁
Can I ask if the site or links from this page have anything to do with my AVG alerting me to a potential virus (WWW.bman.uk/bjorn/asd.js ) every time I fire up my browser?
Keep up the good work Dan and many thanks from a newbie investor.