, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Matra Petroleum. Update. Looking good oil flows increasing?

Long Hot Summer......

Summer is coming.


There’s a lot of people pulling their hair out here and as usual it falls to those of us outside to source information as to just what is likely to be going on.  From what we can gather there is a definate change occuring re’ the amounts of oil being produced. The rumours here are confirming that oil is flowing from both wells. The crews are thought to be very busy trying to increase production and needless to say we think that production from clean-up may be increasing from the original figures released by Matra.There are accommodation huts on site. It’s  busy. Traffic to and from the site, over the last two weeks or so, is thought to be increasing which could mean that more oil is now flowing. Deliveries of sorts have also been reported. I am awaiting photographs! Which will be studied. News from the Russian Association of regional (state) road administrations “RADOR” as of last week indicated that road restrictions of over-size and heavy overweight loads were still in place. However this could have changed as this piece of news is old. The weather is currently warming up and the big thaw is all but over conditions are described as wet and muddy. Plenty of rain forecast. The plot thickens but I’d say that there’s more oil FLOWING and that A12 is firming up, clean-up must be over or at the very least progressing to plan. By the way I’m still awaiting further news that has  been sent to our friends in Ektarenaburg! Bloody Typical. I have sent some “roubles” over as a thank-you from the adsense revenue on your behalves.

So there it is.



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No Responses

  1. darryl says:

    Brilliant password Dan, that will get him going. Can’t wait for the backlash on ii….

  2. Biggleswick says:

    Thanks for the update. Sounds encouraging.

  3. OB1 says:

    Good update Dan thanks,

    Sometimes its just knowing they are active and getting a picture in your own head of what is going on that makes all the difference. From what has been reported they are working like beavers to get official news to us sooner rather than later… happy days ahead.

    Cheers OB1

  4. barnstonpickle says:

    Dan your a card! Love the password! LMAO! That should stop some from posting it online. most will be scared of the milk monitors blocking the account for foul language and if they post it they’ll be upsetting Mr Dafty over on iii(Hub)

  5. miopus says:

    Just to let you know, this entire post was available on iii, posted by someone at 8.16 am

  6. Alan says:

    Nice one Dan.
    Have you noticed PELE which you tipped last year have had a nice production update today

  7. Nibor says:

    Great work, as ever, Dan!

  8. shendoah says:

    Great news at least we now know that the oil rates are increasing. Clever idea on the password. had to do a double take on it. burst out laughing still gigley now. He’s a right nob that hub lost count of the times he’s been abusive about you Dan. He who laughs last laughs the longest. Cute Danie


  9. B0GiE-uk- says:

    Load of nobs slagging you off on iii bb’s Dan. Probably shorters deramping Matra.

  10. John Grace says:

    Rough translation:

    Of; area Andric Kassimilova Orenburg.we reached your days telex 4 years ago, you got our news from Friday? It is very dirty and wet arrival of tankers, walking some supplies chemical biological hazards of Gregory Ivedzhnvichy we have reached your post, some people are going rador instructions.

  11. BrianBrian2 says:

    Forget what the srylic says Dan, it is from one of those translation programs, it is disjointed and in short refers to refers to “tankers coming and going and plant and chemicals being brought onto the site”.

  12. dantheman says:

    Danno you’re a case mate!
    Can’t stop laughing at that password. Looks like its done the business except the cretins on iii are havin a good old moaning debate. When will they realise that your blog gets tens of thousands of hits a day? iii opinion isn’t even read by the vast majority of your visitors. “Shouting at the wind” just gets lost in the ether mate.
    top work well done.
    how about Pakistan to build a school? Africa always gets more charitable help than Asia.
    fan of dan

  13. BrianBrian2 says:

    Can anyone point me in the right direction, are the comments you guys make about the “fixers” in the City, On Dans blogg here, or are they on twitter etc. which I have never used, but will if I am missing the fun. Like what or who does !!! refer to

  14. theDr says:

    Useful post. Can I recommend that you take a look at Beowulf Mining (LON:BEM), and our investor run website ‘MyBem’. Huge rise thus far and more to come hopefully…. Any thoughts appreciated!

  15. BrianBrian2 says:

    Would Range benefit from a slight nudge?

  16. CJ says:

    Any info on Nostra Dan?? Things hotting upon there today, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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