Well at long last we’ve had some excellent news from Matra regarding production. Now it looks and reads to me that Matra has been forced to release this news before they would have liked. The corresponding drop in their value is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to the low BOPD of 100/150 barrels coming from A12 . Investors are missing the boat here. The figures for A12/A13 should not be taken as the end BOPD. “Neither well has yet stabilised and as expected both will require acid stimulation and/or pump installation to maximise production rates” So says Matra. Nothing new there.
The company are expecting rates of at least 1000 bopd from sustained production over this coming year. Hind and Hodgson have been under tremendous pressure from Private Investors constantly contacting the company for updates and when they eventually buckle under the pressure by releasing premature clean-up production bopd the company gets kicked in the teeth. It’s a tough world! But if todays events have taught Matra anything it’s that “YOU upset your Private Investors at your own peril!” The lack of a professional Investor Relations policy specifically targeting Private Investors is sadly lacking here. But that is the only problem this company have.
You can’t have your cake and eat it. Investors have been screaming for months for production figures from A12. Matra have eventually buckled under the pressure and released earlier than they would of wanted news/figures so placate the market.That’s the feeling from within the city. A12 is on clean-up with residual muds and completion fluids still being offloaded! The point here is that Matra have been selling oil from this clean-up for quite some time (As foretold here).
The Board performance so far this year has been excellent. Well done Mess’rs Hodgson and Hind. Keep up the good work and get that BOPD up!
There’s nothing wrong here BOTH wells are still being stabilised and clean-up production oil is now being sold and has been for the last 3 weeks or so. The sp will rise as news on increased production rates filter out to the market. Hold your stock. Or if you want to make a quick killing over the next 3 months buy!
Matra are rock solid. Buy!
Dan, you were spot on with your previous posting about Matra, to the extent that the only extra information we got today was the specific flow rates. I’m amased by the tank in the share price: people should go read the full release on the MTA website. It’s written in their normal careful terminology (no one could ever accuse MTA of exaggeration!), but they imply that the kind of increase on the side track flow rate could be up to 10x!
“Whilst it is not possible to comment on ultimate production rates at this stage, the original well demonstrated an eight-to-ten fold improvement after acid”
If I had money I’d be buying more.
Why quite a severe drop is beyond me, though obviously not the magic numbers we were expecting, our friends the market makers having a good old laff hohoho barstewards
Dan, any info on SAM? Sorry for off-topic.
Can I ask why you didn’t post this morning and wait till the stock has tanked.
Yes you can.
The answer is work. Trying to fit the Blog in with work commitments. I am up at 5.30am and at work for 7am.
Thanks for that dan. Have you looked in to Amur Minerals as suggested and requested by so many of your followers. Thanks
It is not a very good day for me. Both MTA and THR are down. š
Keep faith with mta.
I bought MTA and CAD around the same time a couple of months back after reading BMD – so it’s a case of the Good Lord giveth and the Good Lord taketh away.Still happy for the longterm with both of them
CAD LOOKING GOOD TODAY. mta AT THIER PLACING PRICE. It’s all down to the bopd over the next few weeks for mta.
Research? Not a bit. Only been investing in stocks for about six months and I was completely clueless back then. I only weaned myself off the iii and lse forums about a month ago.
I mentioned Nautilus Minerals on here last week or the week before, back when the share was at 164 or so. It turns out it was no3 on that nasd100 list of best-rated UK stocks – that was the basis of the “tip” I got.
So I check over the website and I read some quite frankly fascinating articles on undersea mining. That gives me a background on their projects, and the Solwara 1 in particular which the PNG Government now has a solid share in.
The Government involvement is important for the project, IMO, because according to a number of PNG blogs I read there have been hassles with other mining projects in the area.
The potential resources are vast but the technology to get at them isn’t fully developed.
Now after one of your posts last week I see I should really be investigating the board but I dipped a toe in the water at 175, figuring I might be throwing the money away or it might be worth ten times as much in five years time.
What swayed me? Without going into details, the company I work for supplies “parts” to one of the companies providing “parts” to the Nautilus undersea drilling platform. I have to stress there is no connection between the parts we supply to one of their divisions and the division doing the work with Nautilus. So I ultimately invested on sentiment for a familiar name and a love of 60s and 70s Science Fiction, which the whole project resembles.
So my question would be, or perhaps my suggestion for a future article from you, how would you go about doing proper research in a case like this?
**NB Do not, in any way shape or form, consider any of the above an endorsement for the company. If you look at the amount of trades going on, it is minuscule so you WILL be stuck with a heinous spread if you jump in and subsequently want the money for something else in a hurry.