, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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No Responses

  1. rocky says:

    thanx dan.
    any updates on encore oil.

  2. Luke says:

    I wouldn’t want to be out of this over the weekend….. luckily im not 🙂 Its been a long wait but the results are nailed on. I think it must be 4000bopd and they have been to busy trying to find some place to put it all.. no chnace for an earlier RNS

  3. Langyboy says:

    Let hope hope this finally gets going again.

  4. Angela says:

    the good news we’re all waiting for …??

    Ciao Dan


  5. Gordon Drew says:


    I subscribe but ihave not had a password. Will I get it just before your MTA post.

    Thanks Drew

  6. b1ggz says:

    Just got a TEST link but no password. Is it a matter of waiting for one to be sent to my inbox Dan ?

  7. robert says:

    cheers dan regards/

  8. exciting stuff! lets hope!

  1. 27 March, 2011

    […] Matra Petroleum. Update on the way! There will be a Matra Petroleum update posted late Sunday or early Monday. […], pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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