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News on the way. Plus a Cautionary Tale.

Playing the Victim (film)

Nice ?

Now that we seem to of broken the link with those dreaded MM’ types we will be posting some opinion on one or two companys this week.

So remember if you want to be first in the queue to get the articles you can always sign-up for the email. It’s been another good few weeks for the Blog with email subscriptions rocketing and stats beginning to regularly exceed  100,000 per week.

A Cautionary Tale.

Now we here know that there’s a minority out there still embittered after all we do get email the majority of which comes from genuine investors. However I must state for the record that there’s one particularly nasty individual (Day-trader) who has been inundating the site email with abusive material and pornographic spam. The chap in question has been using several different email accounts Gmail,Hotmail and yahoo. Various nom-de plumes too.   Suffice it to say he was traced to a town in Northern England place just outside Bury. Strange how these weirdos work he began sending highly abusive emails then ending up playing the victim. Such was  their content that a warning was issued by the site we also reported him to his email client and the IP provider. of COURSE MELADO ignored the warnings and carried on with his stalking using different emails and identities male and female. We then began to make use of our contacts in the city and lo and behold we got him! Bingo! This crank was signed up for INVESTOR SEMINARS in London AND Manchester.  Any way to cut a long sordid story short he has now seen the error of his nasty ways. The motto here is no one online is above the law and ALL emails and IP’s are traceable .

News on the way.

Now we move on to the coming week we will be posting some updates once we have sourced and validated information. We are currently awaiting confirmation on 3 stocks.

So keep your eyes open and your ears to the doors because it’s all about information!



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No Responses

  1. Gordon Drew says:

    HI BMD

    A little confused and yes i know its not hard for me, so they all tell me but if we already subscribe to we have to resubscribe to the new site?

    Thanks Gordon Drew

  2. Rosalimacat says:

    Thanks Dan.

  3. Lordikon says:

    Hi Dan,

    Interesting news on San leon today. whats you opinion on this many thanks

  4. celeriac says:

    DAN. What’s your take on SOU now? I know you didn’t rate it before, but it’s doing very nicely. Regards, Mike.

    • Brokerman says:

      I was neither for or against sound a half decent punt to be revisited in 6 months I think I recall.
      It’s great for investors and well done to those who are invested. Always great to see PI’s happy.


  5. Starfish says:

    Good news dan, hope its amc and mio! Mainly AMC though

  6. B0GiE-uk- says:

    “Any way to cut a long sordid story short he has now seen the error of his nasty ways.”

    Please tell us what happened!!!!

    Dan can you shed any light on RGM and RRR as they have been drifting over the last 2 months.

  7. Matrix says:

    Please let one of them be ‘Matra Petroleum’ It’s been a very very very long wait !!! Keep Holding I am sure they will come good in the end.


  8. stevie says:

    Dan send me his email addy , an any other muppets causing grief,
    BTW encore do not trust that RNS its bull**** mate, flowered up crap all they got was mediocre oil shows from 4th core, cores 1 an 2 nowt, core 3 very slight…they thought the geo had called coring depths wrong and were on to a biggie. Then last week told all the crew they were going to sidetrack to see if they could hit and if not rig was going back to invergordon and contracts cut short.
    USOP watch this one like a hawk mate huge upgrade to be announced…..shame they’re plus mkt.
    RRL , friday or monday and this will go big time, cheers

    • Brokerman says:

      Thanks Stevie for the offer, I’ll have to pass on it though. Even as bad as this loony has been we still would never post his identity online. He’s ran away now with his tail between his legs. That’s good enough for us here.

      Keep the posts and comments coming very interesting reading them.
      Well done mate.


  9. GKB says:

    A view on PXS would be great. It’s not an oilie but I’d value your opinion.
    Thanks, Graham

  10. Albela says:

    We dont need to resubscribe if we are already subscribed to it. Am I correct ?


  11. Scott says:

    Actually Dan you had Sound Oil listed under “Death by a Thousand Cuts” which is why i didn’t buy in at 2.5p just a few weeks ago. Cheers for that one!

    • Brokerman says:

      No it wasn’t. As any visitor to this Blog can attest to.


    • Mr Jeffs says:

      Scott i’m in sound it was NEVER in death by a thousand cuts. dANNO WROTE IT AS a half decent punt to be revisited in a few moonths time.
      Don’t know where you’ve got that from china?

  12. Stifmeister says:

    I subscribed loads of times in the past but I never get anything.

    • bren says:

      I have the same problem, I think there’s a problem with wordpress. I will get in touch with them. when my email is entered on wordpress it says it not valid!!

  13. barnstonpickle says:

    Scott. It was not in Death by a thousand cuts. Why are you saying it was?
    Untruths being posted here bloggites.


  14. Matra Petroleum can you hear me, it would be nice with some info barrels/ day how much oil have you found

  15. Bill says:

    Encore are one of your favoured companies. There was an RNS yesterday. What are your views on this RNS?


  16. paul says:

    MTA would be great but i suspect there wont be much update here.
    How to you see CAZA now longterm

    many thanks paul

  17. bren says:

    Crap day for caza, hope we see 50p again!!!

  18. Darren says:

    Will we still get the latest updates on twitter?

  19. Spadge says:

    Did anyone else manage to buy USOP which is listed on Plusmarkets?
    wow, so much potential.

  20. About Matra Petroleum, I do not need much update only barrels/ day that would be nice. I hope you understand my school english, I am Danish.

    With kind regards

  21. How do you do Matra Petroleum
    Here in the waiting time, maybe you could find some Iron ore and coal too, then it could be very exciting, I have heard there should be plenty of these 2 raw materials in Russia, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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