Research Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr T. Bear  Day Trader Takes A Breather After ...

Day trading!

The email tray of late has been inundated with correspondence informing me of a situation that is becoming more frequent. We post on a stock the said stock rises. Now far be it from me to tell investors how to invest but I must insist that Investors diligently research any post on this Blog and not to blindly rush in. It has become increasingly apparent that Day-Traders are using the Blogs to enhance their arbitrage/positions. Now I know this as the email subscription lists have increased dramatically with many of the subscribers of late coming from the City of London. The Blog is run for the benefit of genuine Private Investors.

I’ve just posted on Northern Petroleum and it jumped over 3.5% immediately.

The trades are not from investors they have to be from Day-traders. The trades in question could not of researched NOP in a few seconds or minutes.

If you day-trade on an anonymous Blog post no matter how successful that Blog has proven to be you will eventually come up short. There is no substitute for thorough research, Investors cannot circumvent it.

This Blog will if the need arises switch to a Private setting. Traders are making a fortune using the Blog. Well that’s all well and good and the best of British to them. (Traders do serve a credible purpose in the city). However once the web-site comes online then if needs be various measures will be considered to stop these abuses  Full name &Address/ controlled site access/Possible subscription fees/ Contact telephone number to verify authenticity/ Supporting documents etc

Please be aware that research is the key to Investing.



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No Responses

  1. Olivanders says:

    Thanks Dan. This has needed to be said for sometime.

  2. SM says:

    Hi buddy,

    Cheers for that post. I’m an investor and do not day trade. I believe in the fundamentals of the company and hold positions mid to long term.

    One query I do have, I realise what you said in your Sound Oil post last month, do you have any updated thoughts? Hopefully changed/positive ones! It’s doing very well for me so far.


  3. Roadrunner says:

    What is the ticker for Research Please? I want to get in and make a quick buck

  4. James says:

    Why does it matter? If it goes up 5-6% in a day…if its just day traders it’ll come back down…anyway you normally give targets of about 100% rise…what difference does 3.5% make…! Who cares.

    In any event if you think you can outsmart the City, by making the site private you’re living in your own world. They’ve all got private residencies too…

    Your popular deal with it.

    • Brokerman says:

      There’s more to it than that James. And there’s an awful lot going on in the background that the Blogosphere are unaware of. Not least an FSA License application for the new Web-site. There are also several invites from respected oil exploration/production companys to visit on-site drills! I can’t and will not go into detail regarding some of the offers made from certain Traders/Houses suffice it to say that they have ALL been turned down!


  5. Richard says:

    Well said, Dan. And a good reminder for us all.

  6. joel priest says:

    well said Dan, the old saying dont invest what you cannot afford to lose springs to mind.

    i lost on Desire because i took a tip from a reliable and well informed friend but didnt do any research myself and lost half of my investment…thank fully not much but i learnt from it!

  7. Rikki says:

    Well said Dan!.
    Now you have done that can you check out AMC!! Please

  8. OB1 says:

    Good comment Dan, I would be happy to to provide all but the subs, I do click on the adverts for HTH most times I visit to ensure your good cause is kept a float ^^, I would strongly advise others to do likewise….. If the day traders would like to give a buig fat donation that might go some way to rebuilding the trust ; o )

  9. mayomanmerry says:

    Indeed roadrunner i can’t find the ticker anywhere ;?)

  10. k mk says:

    it is almost guaranteed pattern, that once a share is tipped in any of the subscription sites, (which not only daytrader but also Marketmaker keenly read) the sp goes up for a week or two.
    here is a piece about a marketmaker and how he deals with these fluctuations.
    Not sure if I agree manipulation is only possible on AIM when there is low volumes??


  11. Si says:

    I don’t think it has that much of an effect even in the short term day to day basis, what goes up rapidly comes back down again – if you look at NOP it is up 0.8% which isn’t really that much at all. I think people just need to be aware of the day traders and don’t buy on a quick spike.

  12. Paul Shrimpton says:

    Hi Dan
    Given that you ask all visitors to your blog to do their own research on any share you feature, I do not understand the mentality of those who moan about individual share failures – the final responsiblity is theirs. Most of the m0aners are probably quids in from your blog.
    Keep up the great work and ignore the emails from those that apparently have the intellect of an amoeba.

  13. Bob says:

    Dan any insider track on eo rns it is starting to feel like a separation with takeover in mind – any thoughts??

  14. k mk says:

    Nothing new: The Marketmakers are reading all the PI tipsheets/ Blogs etc and make their pricing /inhouse trading accordingly.
    It is almost a regular pattern: a buy tip is made public, sp rise only to drift back after a week or two.
    here is a good piece on that matter. ‘manipulation has highest chance of success during low volume on AIM.’

  15. Ginger Rogers says:

    Agree that research is the key

    A recent post here on Sound Oil, quite light on research, said “as an investment they just do not cut it for me”

    For me trading around 2.75p at the time it looked ‘way under-value’. So I researched it fully, liked what I saw and bought in. Have now taken profits in the low 4s as a quick trade and will look to re-invest for the long-term in the low 3s if it retraces that far. The stock has that elastic feel to it a bit like Matra but without the doddery management who put a stop to any rise with poor newsflow. When it gets to the drilling stage I wouldn’t be surprised if its the most talked about stock on AIM

  16. lee says:

    Funny how there the same offenders that slate you when it goes down and not up. lazy no gooders, Im so glad you stay committed to us small PI’s as a few can ruin for many. I would find it much harder without you Dan. Thanks

  17. paul says:

    Dan there is a lot of idiots out there as you only know too well with iii message boards. ~I personally think you do a great job and agree with previous comment we are looking long term…. day trading moves 2-4 % then comes back down ….. we are mulitbaggers !!!!
    Ignore them mate your doing grand

  18. tony says:

    good point and you may be better to go private with subs as you say

  19. Honest John says:

    Personally Dan I think you’re bloody stupid!
    You should be charging a fee for a yearly subscription or monthly.
    It must take up considerable time on your part to run it why shouldn’t you get a few quid in subs? You couild always give it to charity. Look @ utter rubbish site and they charge for it!!! At least here we actually get great opinion and make money!
    Your blogs a great success Pal i’ve made a considerable sum in the many tens of thousands of pounds from it. Investors and day traders have made fortunes from following your views and opinions. I think you’ll find that there’s thousands out there that would be only to happy to throw a few quid in in subs for a service such as yours.

    Honest John. Day Trader and Investor
    Thanks for the Cadogan,Encore,Haike,Range and much more.

    • sara says:

      I take it Honest John your talking about subs for a web site and not this blog.
      I’d certainly cough up for a web site subscription. My portfolio is well up and i’m actually in profit my cash position has trebled over the last 5 months mainly from reading this bl;og.
      Yeah i think its time dan you put your genius to good work


  20. Anton Gully says:

    Hey, I’d subscribe but I’m not sure what would be achieved – is the idea to delay the information from your posts being released? What’s stopping day traders subscribing? How would you know who is and isn’t day trading? I’m a PI and I generally invest long term but if I think I can make a few quid on a quick turnaround what’s the harm? Hmmm.

  21. Tom says:

    Please make SOLG share price 200p. :-)) :-)) :-))

  22. Danny says:

    Hi Dan, I’m not rich and have only invested a few hundred pounds into Matra and San Leon. Its what I can afford to loose if things don’t work out .Please keep in mind that not everyone who follows you has lots of cash,the subscription fee I’d definitely pay, but on affordability I could only afford about £5.00 a month.
    Please dont price me out of your blog as I’m hoping I can turn my few hundred into a few thousand, then hopefully turn that onto alot more.I do enjoy reading everything that’s posted, and try and avoid the iii/ lse chat rooms as you advised. Fingers crossed for the ‘smallest of Private Investors’…….
    Regards Danny

  23. peaches says:

    Why not charge say an annual fee of £12 and donate the money to help for heroes.