, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Cluff Gold Takeover? News being sought!

gold cast bar

Solid gold takeover?

You’ll all recall the Blogs’ musing on Cluff Gold some time back. Yes we gave Cluff our seal of approval when they were trading at approx’ 108p. They are a terrific gold company with highly prized assets. There’s some breaking news rumoured here. They are as you all know tipped for greatness by literally every stock watcher in the National press and beyond!

Now I must stress that the recent rises over the last week or so are NO surprise to the Blog so what’s driving the hike/ Is it:

A/ Kalsaka, Burkina Faso

Kalsaka produced over 74,000oz of gold in 2010, a 35% increase from 2009, surpassing the 70,000oz production target set at the start of the year.

B/ Baomahun, Sierra Leone

The Company is very positive about the enormous potential at its Baomahun Project in Sierra Leone.  Results from the scoping study announced in June 20102 suggest that an average of 157,000oz of gold can be produced per annum.

C/ Angovia, Côte d’Ivoire

Angovia produced over 20,000oz of gold in 2010,


D/  A combination of ALL 3?

Well all 3 of the above are certainly reasons why investors should take a serious look at Cluff. Algy Cluff is one of those chaps that just seems to be in the right stock at the right time.

So what is pushing the sp? Yes you’ve guessed it there’s Takeover in the air at Cluff Gold! Rumours are circulating that Cluff are being lined up for Takeover and that if the current spike continues then Cluff will have to come out and confirm or deny the rumours! If they hit 150/160 then expect a company announcement! They are under siege from Brokerages as we speak all inundating the company with requests for clarification. Expect Takeover news when the stock hits 150/160p!

Yes you get all the breaking news here on the people’s favourite Blog!



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No Responses

  1. Chad13451 says:

    Hi Dan, I read a good article on Sareum Holdings which you done a piece on last week. Definetly worth a read.–25583.html

  2. Paul says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Algy Cluff is not the Chairman now i dont think?

  3. Ian C says:

    Hi Dan

    Great site, anything to update on CAZA??


  4. jason says:

    Anything coming from them yet?

    …the sp seems to be holding firm at its current level, although the trading volume / pattern would suggest that the mkt is not 100% in agreement of a t/o approach being confirmed

    Have taken a small punt here just in case (well wold be rude not to!). cheers for the heads up & keep up the v good work

    • Brokerman says:

      Rumours are based on previous market rumblings and the recent sp rises of the last few days or so. Great stock to be invested in for the next 12 months.


  5. James says:

    Pretty risky at the moment, given that there’s been a bank run in the Ivory Coast. Not worth the risk, I don’t think.

    • James says:

      Could have spoken to soon – big push at the end of trading today.
      If you’ve/or anyone else has a view on the Ivory Coast situation/ramifications for Cluff then would be interested (as I do actually hold shares – pre-Ivory Coast upset…).

  6. Dust Ferret says:

    Cluff TO rumour was in shares magazine a week ago.

  7. RED O'DAIR says:

    Ouch!!! I sold to buy more RRL., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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