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Some of the Blogs informed ardent  followers (LT being at the top of the list closely followed by OILBUG ) have been driving me mad regarding Matra and the current position vis-a-vis news. They’ve had a terrific ride the last month or so as expectation and potential rise. Pay no attention to daily fluctuations and stick with what the company and the Brokerages are telling you. It’s never going to be easy but the company are I can assure you aware of concerns re’ the lack of news. Bringing back sustained production with all the benefits will happen; time is the key. Matra are a genuine oil tiddler working in the best interests of their share-holders. Very impressed with the Board.

I am looking into reported meetings in London purported to have been held with the Matra Board last month. And of course any sector news alerts triggered will be posted upon immediately.



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No Responses

  1. Olivanders says:

    Cheers Dan, I’m holding for news. Hopefully at the end of the month. If we can get 1,000bopd out of both wells combined, then hopefully 10p will be breached!

  2. pwoodroffe says:

    Morning Dan,
    One of the things you used to post on a fairly regular basis was heads up on when you had wind of RNS’s like if one had been submitted with a 72 hour embargo for example. Do you still get the nod on when RNS’s are imminent good buddy? Is there any news in the city about when the XEL rig contract RNS will be out.

    Many thanks and keep up the good work

    • OILBUG says:


      I been driving Dan mad about xel ! (sorry)
      Interested in matra but never posted about it mainly because i cannot buy mta in any serious blocks ie £250,000 k etc. All they ever quote from two brokerage firms i am with is £50,000k .
      Remember i have been in this for 25 years so made a bit in that time but still can learn from failures, one of the biggest fans of this blog.

      my investment is mainly in xel, eo, blvn and hovering around rkh. All i can trade in. Stocks that like to purchase sle, gkp

      love oex and caza but again to few shares about for me.

      • 13thMonkey says:

        Hi Oilbug,

        Thanks for the rundown of your positions, always interested to see where other people are invested. Bloody hell though- 250k blocks!?!


        • Dan's #1 fan says:

          Hi Monkey,

          Any chance you could give us the rundown of your positions? Always interested where the intellectually challenged are invested so I can avoid those stocks.

          #1 fan

        • OILBUG says:

          I find it best to hit hard rather than drip drip or mms will be onto me. Spread is not as bad as you think.

          drip drip only works if nothing is going to happen for a while.

          I like stocks that have news apprasial drilling etc or reserve upgrades, 3d upgardes

          all the best

  3. ABZ says:

    Thanks Dan,
    Nice to see your most on MATRA.
    I am not going out of it until it reaches 50P.

  4. Love your blog … its always SO positive!
    Would be great tyo hear your opinion on HAWK and GDP
    Thanks, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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