, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

XCITE Energy. Next step Production!

Bentley's winged "B" badge and bonne...


Big pay-day today for all the XCITE holders. Not had chance to take it all in as of yet. Very busy sneezing with flu/cold.

It was always going to be successful was the Bentley drill BP do not get involved to fail. There were just too many pointers to suggest that the drill was destined to succeed. Not least that companies DO NOT RE-VISIT heavy oil discoveries unless their Board are pretty confident of the result. XEL must have known many many months ago if indeed a year or so ago that the Bentley field was commercial as did the Bentley Alliance/BP.

So what next for XEL? Well with a fast-track production ramp up on the way it won’t be long before the oil begins to flow commercially which should please everybody. The £4/5 price target has now been hit and as per usual there will be the inevitable drop in sp some-where along the line as profit takers and investors take some profit. But as per usual the sp will rally upwards as the enormity of just how big this field is sinks in. Well done to those who held and continue to hold.

A gilt-edged start to the day for XEL stock holders. I won’t say “as foretold” but you all know the score!



PS….Reports have been coming in that FTAlphafools {will they ever pick a stock that actually rises?}(Neilanderthal and Leg Brace Elder) will be eating a large portion of humble-pie this morning.

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No Responses

  1. Martin R says:

    Well done Dan!
    Thanks for this and the other updates, delighted to be in both XEL and EO.
    cheers again and merry Christmas.


  2. dj says:

    You said: “. I won’t say “as foretold” but you all know the score!” Well, you don’t say it – as it would be a lie! You said your inside source told you the flow test was done weeks ago. A direct lie. I am thinking of putting in a complain to City of London police about you.

    • Biggleswick says:

      Oh dj, for goodness sake.
      Good luck with that you silly person!

    • Dixon of Dock Green says:

      And I am thinking of reporting you Dan for making me 23 thousand pounds this morning! It isn’t cricket Dan I woke up this morning and found that after listening to your posts I had made lots of money.
      I’ll be giving evidence at your trial Dan telling the jury at just how despicable you are making me and my missus 23 thousand quids.
      Shake your silly head DJ if any one needs reporting its you you’re a Stalker with a grudge and any more of it and i’ll be knocking you out!
      Ban this Pleb Dan.

      • Forest Fred says:

        Likewise, I can’t believe how this online shyster and nincompoop managed to dupe me into investing in XEL and now look at me…. only £6000 the richer. Tiny Tim will be having a spinning top this Christmas, some Encore shares and perhaps a modicum of Edenville or Bahamas Petroleum tucked into his stocking an’all guv!

        Merrrrrry Christmas!!!!

        • Moneymad says:

          Yes me to.
          I’m going to report him Fred and im giving back my 9 grand Xel profit to the city boys. It just dont feel right making money i only like to lose my hard earned dollars to keep the rich buggers in pink champers.
          Sorry Dan but you shouldn’t be helping us small investors to get one over the city we like DJ prefer to lose our money on crap shares like Desire.DJ whats your email we can dance down to the city of London police and complain together.

          Please stop giving out good advice and opinion i for one think its a national disgrace.

          Yours to a cinder a complete idiotic poster just like DJ!

      • Alex says:

        Stop boasting how much money you have made, and give some of it to H4H to say thanks!

        • Dixon of Dock Green says:

          Alex i’m not boasting. I do click on some ads signing up for some of the email subs and i have and do donate to water aid and the red cross.
          You’re right though i should do some more and have just donated £150 to H4H.
          Thanks for pricking my conscience it made me realise just how lucky we in the uk are.
          Thanks chum
          Merry Xmas

  3. Humble pie eater says:

    Congrats to you and your blog Daniel.

    You helped investors to keep their faith when they were lacking fortitude. I’m an old GKP ‘ER and recall your utterances when they were 60p. Only wish i had followed your encore,nautical and GCM early day utterances I’d be a millionaire now.
    Sold my xel on the export hose debacle @£2.45p neva got back in as it would of cost over 300p still made a great profit.

    Thanks Dan You are a real decent guy.
    God Bless and Merry Xmas

    Humble pie gladly eaten

  4. OSCAR says:

    Top marks Dan from fledgling investor.

  5. miopus says:

    Yes. Good result Dan – very pleased to be making some serious money – towards house deposit. All down to you.

    Keep taking the Lemsips.

  6. Yankee says:

    For the love of God man will you just feck off DJ! You are one sad bustard. Yeah lets complain to the Feds about a blog/guy that has helped thousands around the world make some money!!!!! What is your problemo? You piece of s*it
    I think you’ll find me old mucker that Dan’s server is in San Antonio in the good old USA and as such his blog comes under our constitution not UK law. You have heard of our Amercian laws on Freedom of expression? Jesus christ I hope you Limeys aren’t all like this sucker. What a creep.


  7. Richard says:

    DJ – please phone the City Police and mention that Dan gave some information that was wrong. See how long before you hear ‘click……..brrr….’. Dan – are you really in San Antonio? I will be there 24th until 28th or so. Staying in a road called Lost Arbor. Please email me if you fancy a beer whilst I am there.

  8. it's great to be right says:

    I’ve been banned from FT alpha ville by those two idiots running the site Dan Lot of red faces on there at the moment could feel their embarrassment lmao at them. I logged on as Humble pie and Brokermandan but they won’t even allow the mention of the blog or ya name unless it’s 1 of their snide remarks. Jealousy pure jealousy.
    Well done mate.

    • Shareminator says:

      Is it any wonder? theyve just made a total arse of themselves yet again. im inGKP and theyve been wittling nonsense for months on it. bumpkins the pair of them.
      Have they evr gave out any news other than whats already known? They couldnt pick each others nose never mind a decent stock. rubbish forum hosted by failures.

  9. Phil B says:

    Thanks Dan for the tip on XEL. I have made a packet. I have also gone quite heavy in to EO as i agree with you that the BOD will deliver some serious shareholder value over the next 6 months given the number of shares they hold. I like the chief excec’s comments that ‘i am not in this to take a salary, i am in this as a shareholder’…

  10. Ken Arton says:

    Many thanks Dan, I came across your site whilst floundering about with my penny share portfolio and your comments allied with my own research have started to pay off. Would you comment on Agriterra (AIM), the sp seems not to reflect the enormous potential of their oil interest in the prolific South Omo area in Ethiopia with Tullow and Africa Oil. Recent placing @3p now 2.9p .

  11. London Evening Standard says:

    Hi there Daniel
    There is no contact email address available.
    I have enclosed an email if you could contact me I’d be most grateful.
    Well done on XEL another great call.


    • Holysmoke says:

      Move along the bus nothing happening here.
      Just a guy giving his personals out on some shares.
      He gets lucky once or twice a year no go away and leave us all alone we want no tatty newspapers ruining it!

  12. LT says:

    Dan, it looks like Matra Petroleum are running out of time yet again re the issue of the PL. How confident are you that it will be granted? Do you think taking into account that Peter Hind has been stating the same story for over a year now this has become overly tiresome?
    Just over a week ago he stated again that he expects it by year end but with the greatest of respect no one believes him – do you?
    As for A13 – 50/50 chance of the cement squeeze working together with their history of bad luck doesn’t bode well for a positive outcome – or does it Dan?
    I think alot of PI’s have little faith and will continue to sell until positive news arrives (if).
    Seasons Greetings to all.

  1. 21 December, 2010

    […] XCITE Energy. Next step Production! ( […], pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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