, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Matra Petroleum. The case for Matra.

Well as you’ll all be aware Matra have finally spoken.

It  looks and feels like Matra have finally conquered the problems that have beset them over the last 12 months. The A13 has been shut-in pending test flow and Matra have acquired a new rig for the A12 drill with quite a bullish statement on their licence (expected to be completed by end of this month).

Now is the time to be thinking of just where will Matra be in the next 12/24 months? I can tell you this; Once the oil begins to flow from A13/12  cash resources will quickly accrue.The production licence fear was always a red-herring (as it ultimately will be granted) those who have kept faith with the company can look forward to a steady rise in the sp. With further oip increases being mooted from Dan’s sources. Matra will certainly be shooting more seismic to fully understand the extent of the discovery/acreage. ( And it goes with-out saying that more wells will inevitably have to be drilled) I am of the opinion that the company due to recent problems and share-holder dissatisfaction are deliberately down-playing this discovery. Go back to 2008/9 and research.

We, like some out there, have kept the flag flying for Matra when all around were cursing,fuming and bemoaning their investment.  Now that the tech’ problems are being brought under-control confidence should begin to increase. They were always going to be solved it was just a question of time and time is what investors should be looking at. If Matra can prove up 80/100 million barrels of oil over the next 12 months then Matra could hit 50/100p! Make no mistake, with all the bad luck this company have had, the future is looking very bright here for a short-term 12 month investment.

The oil is there!!! The infrastructure is there!!!! The region is a prolific oil-producing area of Russia!!! Matra ‘s oil is 30 minutes away by tanker from its distribution point/storage/buyer.

I have as you all know upgraded Matra to favoured status. This has not been done lightly. There is a real opportunity here for the canny serious investor. Day-traders may make a few quid here trading the dips and spikes but holding Matra stock is the key to substantial gains. OIP will increase here and confidence will return this equates to an increasing sp as good news helps to blur the recent memories of the A13 A12 tech’ problems.

A very good investment.



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No Responses

  1. mo says:

    Again Dan…love the way you factualise the whole arguement.
    Gosh if DES can be at 70p with water…..surely MTA can will Oil.


  2. mo says:

    Dan why would they be playing down the good news?

  3. OILBUG says:


    any news on xcite we hear of tanker containing oil rumours back to flow/rig at 16.00

    what your view re contacts ?????????????????????

  4. Chi says:


    any possibilities reviewing ECR

  5. Captain Patience says:

    Hi Dan,

    Just a quick question – o/t – GCM Resources – L2 action:

    A 100k & 25k block of shares have been placed on the bid at 235, Is this a marker maker trick to enable them to offload shares on the ask?



  6. alex says:

    hi dan, these tree shakes on xel are persistent, plenty of rumours going around. any words of comfort?

  7. sarah says:

    Nice one.
    Thanks for the info great help Dan
    Hey ftalphaville are always rubbishing the blog that neal is a right snooty arrogant man and his snide kick Bryce is a right nob. You should give them both a verbal onslaught Dan.
    Theres loads of us who cant stand them a right pair of self inflated egos. Must be jealous of all the traffic you get,


    • Brokerman says:

      They’re under pressure as is every one in the media business. Big cuts re’ staff levels through-out the industry.

      Good site the FT. Needs freshening up.

      Dan, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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