, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

MATRA Petroleum. Quick Update.

Just a quick note on where we are at vis-a-vis the 10 day time frame.

I’ve checked out the validity of the company’s claim that TNK/BP take priority over small oilers re’ rigs in Orenburg.

Apparently TNK/BP sold their oil services division to Weatherford in 2009 and as part of the deal they negotiated this below:

“TNK-BP has reached agreement to sell its oilfield service business to Weatherford International in May 2009. The deal was endorsed by antimonopoly authorities and closed in July. As a result, TNK-BP received the priority right to engage Weatherford as a contractor to provide drilling rigs and leading edge technology.”

So the recent Matra news would seem to be correct when the TNK/BP dog barks it gets its way.

It’s known by the blog that the Matra Big guns are at present in ORENBURG on site at the drills. The 10 day time frame is now up and it would seem logical that news should be out next week if I was to hazard a guess then Monday/Tuesday next week would seem logical.

The news on A13 is no doubt already known by the company. We do know that the A12 site had already been prepared for the side-track until TNK/BP nicked the rig! So all in all it’s looking like 72 hours should see some breaking news.



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No Responses

  1. pwoodroffe says:

    Morning Dan,
    Do you still get news of when RNS’s are lodged as you havent posted any for a while, at least not on stocks I am invested in anyway lol

    Your heads up are very welcome

    • Brokerman says:

      Yes we do.
      Though i’ve been rather reluctant to post on the RNS alerts as some see it as a precursor to good news when in-fact we only know there’s one lodged/pending. We never know its contents!


      • Sonola says:

        Personally would like to see RNS alerts reintroduced Dan.

        • 13thMonkey says:

          hmmm. on balance I agree with Dan- RNS alerts often seem to stoke excitement, but without much, if any, real substance.

          I actually find the most valuable posts to be the “don’t panic, hold” ones…

    • Dan's #1 fan says:

      I guess if you spent all day every day queuing up for your benefits you would learn patience.

  2. 13thMonkey says:

    Thanks Dan. Monday would be nice, but I think I may finally be learning patience anyhow. Will be interesting to see what happens.

    What’s with XEL today? Not complaining though…

  3. Asif says:

    Hi Dan. Any update for VOG? Should we be WORRIED? All this wait and no license? Keep up the good work!!
    Thanks Asif

  4. Rosalimacat says:

    Gcm, dan. Let a little more out, if you can.

  5. LT says:

    Dan you say “The news on A13 is no doubt already known by the company”. This is assuming there were no complications!! We just don’t know what is going on with A-13.

    • Brokerman says:

      No it’s not assuming there are no complications.
      After nearly 3 months of working on A13 then giving share-holders a ten day time period. It is common sense to assume that after such a long period with the 10 day estimate now passed that they must know whether the cement squeeze has remedied the water influx.


      • LT says:

        I’m not convinced Dan. I think 12 days ago Matra had not yet reached the stage whereby the water influx had been stopped. I think the “approx 10 days” was too keen on either NH or PH’s part.

        • Brokerman says:

          Well I don’t know if they are back on sustained production but they will certainly be test producing re’ the cement fix if the water ingress has been resolved. But what I do know is that the management are highly motivated and well thought of within their industry. There’s always going to be problems if they can’t fix the water ingress then it’s another side-track with more moaning and groaning from Matra holders. But eventually they will click and the sp will rise substantially over the next 12 months.
          Fingers crossed this time that the production can be sustained and not halted re the water as happened a few months ago during test production.


          • LT says:

            Thats more like it Dan. Have Pi’s a right moan – i think so!
            Any further comment re Embargo RNS?

  6. alex says:

    Hi Dan, just wondering about LDP today….just wondering if its game over here with the latest RNS and todays 32% drop….Im down now about 80% O_O thanks

  7. mo says:

    Iv read ur blog and i agree with the facts and common sense points you highlight
    The approx date by the board is over due BUT the scale of this is very very significant so a few more days or hours is only but natural

    i admire the way you point out and stick to the facts and fundamentals

    well done and keep up the good work

    your the man dan!

  8. Tony says:

    Excellent piece of detective work Daniel. I followed up your information on Weatherford international. You’re right pal they bought out tnks oil service arm and tnk did put in a clause giving them priorty on drilling rigs.

    Well done

  9. Lt says:

    Eyes down tomorrow Dan, any comments before 7am? Will there be an RNS? Will it be A13 on production? Will it be the PL? Will it be both? None? Delays? A12 update? No update?

    • Biggleswick says:

      Lt, do you do any research yourself or just leave it to other people to spoonfeed you? That list is baffling. Are you being serious?

  10. 13thMonkey says:

    Hi Dan- what are the implications of the RNS embargo?

  11. LT says:

    Comments Dan?

  12. Chris says:


    Just wondering if some comments could be made on these two.

    There seems to alot going on here at the moment and value to be had seeing ALO have just secured 5 new Gold and Uranium Licenses – with some exploratory work carried out already.

    Damien Conboy is worth keeping on eye with fingers in a alot of resource pies – also in the successful spot light recently through Strait Oil.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated

  13. LT says:

    Dan, do you expect a market reaction just immediately prior to the PL being awarded? ie. do you expect a leak prior to official RNS?, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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