, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Shetland weather. Encore/Nautical

Lot of emails on Encore oil Re’ the weather window. There are some good links below for weather updates round the Shetlands etc below.

For tidal information contact Shetland Coastguard on 01595 692976, or visit: or

Weather & Shipping Forecasts

Shetland Coastguard broadcast weather on VHF and MF Radio telegraphy at 0105 UTC and every 4 hours subsequently, alternatively contact Shetland Coastguard on 01595 692976.

The Met Office:

  • Faeroese Weather Service: Precision weather planner service which includes interactive maps and hour-to-hour predictions.
  • Weather Call – 09014 722 076 or
  • Weather bulletins for shipping are broadcast daily on BBC Radio 4 at the following times: 0048 and 0535 (long wave and FM) 1200 and 1755 (normally long wave only). The following are broadcast: Gale warnings, general synopsis, sea-area forecasts and coastal station reports.
  • Northern Isles Weather Forecast, recorded in Fair Isle can be viewed at


A number of weather service websites have coverage for the Shetland Islands. Here are a selection of them:

Precision Weather Planner

The next 10 day forecast for the Shetlands may be helpful.



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No Responses

  1. TJI says:

    Thanks Dan …. any thoughts on when the rig will actually move ?

  2. Jim Quinn says:

    Please Dan, NO! No more weather links!
    Both ii and LSE have been beseiged by an army of meteorology pundits, each one providing a different prognosis.
    Still, I suppose it could be worse…
    When Galaxy II finally moves, I am expecting a bus trip from St Trinnians school; whooping, screaming and over-dosed on pop and crisps., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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