Well there goes a web designer.
Was rather hoping that the recent meeting with Creative Spark would have produced a template design but sorry to say that after Creative failed to supply a template on 3 separate dates spanning over two weeks we here have decided to cut them loose.
We are of course speaking to several other web designers who hopefully can design our web pages up to spec.
The recent posts on Xcite and Desire have resulted in a huge spike in stats especially the Desire post. Controversy drives traffic! Over 22 thousand hits since Monday! 13k on Desire alone. Lots of disgruntled Desire investors berating the Blog for posting the truth. If thy eye deceives thee then pluck it out! Some real abusive comments in the spam filter. Can’t understand what all the fuss is about some day-traders have made fortunes!
Some investors just can’t stomach the word DUSTER!
Sorry Dan, you keep doing this: ‘would of’ sorry, as an Englishman this riles with me, it’s ‘would have’. Come on Dan, lets have some class on your blog, not stooping to lower common denominators. I realise the trend for this industry if you can call it that is a bit trashy but you have an enviable following here so please see it as your duty to set the pace! Despite all our ‘differences’ best wishes to you. In case you are wondering, off topic, I am up so late due to successfully overcome a particularly troublesome computer backup glitch. Cheers, Al.
There’s no “would of” there? Unless mine eyes deceive me?
Dan—–Great stuff ! I see you ve been referred to as the world s leading investment blog, i totally agree with that description– you deserve your success !
Your rise to fame can be atributed to GULF KEYSTONE ! in the early days you
and i had discussions about gkp , your belief in the company kept me sane
and encouraged me to hold my shares since the 20p days !
Can you give the blogship an update on the good ship GKP !! Rob
Well done on the articles Dan you’ve put up recently, your Xcite coverage has been excellent. The pressure on Desire shareholders is in my opinion not worth the hassle of investing in this volatile company, and the strain of owning this stock is seeing alot of abuse thrown at people just for giving their honest opinions on the company, such as on the LSE board where if you say a comment about the company, that isn’t crowing about a future laden with milk and honey – you’ll have twenty posters jump down your throat with aload of insults.
Personally I hope all the desire shareholders make a killing, but they should all go forward with brutal honesty to themselves and alot caution.
Dan I have the details of a good web design company, they have buit two websites for me about £1000 each and they done all remotely in good time, drop me an email and i will give you details. Not my Web Design company.
Des still rising, Xcite still rising and MATRA in the gutter. You talk about management Dan, the Matra management are useless, they mis interpreted the seismics, got it wrong, they have failed to get either A12 or A13 on production to date. Their timescales are off the wall and they have NEVER managed to meet any of their timescales quoted. Production License by 2010 end?? Yeah right i heard Peter Hind say the same story except by year 2009 end!!!!! Still waiting. I’m afraid that is the reason the share price remains so low. Is there anything positive you can say about Matra?
Hi Dan,
Good one there: “If thy eye deceives thee then pluck it out!”…
It is better to have thy money without profit than to lose all…
Hahahahaha. Don’t mean to be sarcastic to anyone, lost 50% on FOGL duster too and took the rest elsewhere and now I am happy I did.