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Petroceltic International. Watch list please.

Coat of Arms of Algeria

Big Gas Discovery here!

Now hot foot from all the Blog success since inception we now turn our attention to this little gem of a company.

I have been watching Petroceltic for quite some time and now feel that with the appointment of Tullow Tom Hickey not to mention the hotly awaited Ain Tsila field appraisal campaign,which is due to commence any day now, that Petroceltic are a decent little company if Tullow tom can perform half as well as he did at Tullow then we are in for an exciting ride over the next few months. It’s always better and more profitable to get in on a company before the market switch’s on to it. The AT4 well is or has just about began drilling on Petros’ Ain Tsila discovery in Algeria it’s part of a multi-well drilling program on a substantial discovery!

And we all know what happens on big discoveries do we not? Yes the Share price always begins to rise.

The main focus of this appraisal programme will be to confirm the most likely recovery factors, to  optimise the development plans for the discoveries and likely gas sales contracts. Petroceltic expects to confirm the recoverable hydrocarbon reserves estimates associated with the discoveries after completion of the appraisal work programme.

The previous 2009/10 five well drilling and testing programme on the Isarene permit discovered a major new gas condensate discovery in the Ain Tsila field. Data from the three wells drilled have demonstrated the presence of an extensive and probably continuous gas accumulation capable of flowing at rates exceeding 30mmscf/d following fracture stimulation.”

Brian O’Cathain Petros Chief exec

Thinks it is likely that this big discovery may very well turn out to be even bigger!

“we look forward to confirming additional Gas in place and the likely recoverable reserves”

So once again lets run through it Petro are not looking for the gas they have already found it! Just of question of bringing it on-stream.

Gains a plenty here over the next 40 days.

How high?50p 100p? Well that will all depend on how quickly they can get to market. Contracts have already been signed. Good gains to be had here! Tom Hickey will whip this company into shape! These are going to rise !


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No Responses

  1. cheers dan the man i have just got in there now///regards as allways///rob

  2. Apur32 says:

    Look forward to see it flying high.. Just got in …. don’t want to miss the sharp rises like XEL, GKP ……..

    Great info….

    Thanks Dan

  3. Paul says:

    So you guys have done at least 15 minutes of your own research?

  4. PAUL/NO / i was doing research in this c.o 18 months ago how long have you done? regards/rob

  5. Ex-army says:

    Really think this is a top web site Brokerman. How come you like help4heroes? R u ex military or do u have family in the services?
    Please everybody at least click on these links/ads cause the charity is well worht while.
    My mate was wounded in Afganistan last year lost the use of his left arm.
    Dan i always click on a few ads for the lads.
    Thanks mate to all on this sitefor there support for our chaps out in the deserts. It’s really appreciated by them. Great charity is help4heroes.

    Ex- army

  6. cremin says:

    Great blog Dan really think this is the turning point for Petroceltic, could you look at Churchill Mining if you get the time would be much appreciated

    Thanks Again.

  7. Alex says:

    Hi Dan Cheers for all the help,
    I picked up on these a week ago, and slightly annoyed ive missed them at dirt cheap prices, but still got pleanty of room for improvement – what do you think the time frame will be on their 3/4 wells?
    1st is meant to Spud early Nov……40 days for TD, when do you think the others will happen. Will they need the revenue from the 1st to fund the others?

    Also with GKP, I have in my notes to expect TD of a drill early/mid next week, but I cant remeber where I got the info for this from? do you have any news on it?

    And finally, where do you think is the best place to get information on the weather for Dundee? and what sort of window of calm weather is needed for a rig to leave?

    Bet you can guess where I have my money!, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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