Xcite energy. Eyes on here. Knutsen


Bentley's winged "B" badge and bonne...

Bentley FDP?


The count-down has now begun in ernest here. News of possible Knutsen OAS tanker activity. Currently  Knutsen OAS have the Hanne Knutsen and the Siri Knutsen crude oil shuttle tankers registered In Aberdeen it’s thought by most watchers that one of these is the most likely candidate to have been contracted as the primary oil shuttle for the Bentley drill oil storage.

It’s known that the Bentley drill is going well and is ahead of target. BP are rumoured to be itching to get their hands oily; the analysis of the oil will quickly confirm what most already know and that is that Bentley will quickly be ramped up for the FDP.

The company are now 25% past their 60/65 day target don’t be surprised if the results start to leak out well before the official targets! It’s going to be a gusher in my opinion!


Always research.

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  1. Interesting investing blog , feel free to share your ideas here – http://www.inspirational-investing-ideas.com/direct-stock-investing.html#INV

    With Kind Regards

  2. OILBUG says:

    Great post Dan some news hopefully late next week on inital well.

    On a personal front hope cov barq RNS coming soon.

    want to increase my XEL holding !

    As always encore and npe moving forward abit slow on the share price action.

    ps would not like to be in the Falklands all hell is breaking lose at the moment.

  3. robert says:

    dan sos whats going off with encore //////// any ideas?

  4. Doug says:

    Good luck to all XEL holders. – Let’s hope that good news is just around the corner.
