, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sterling Energy. A right carry on!.

Peter Rogers

Dick Stabbins?

I cannot believe the amount of emails currently piling up in the blog’s in-tray vis-a-vis Sterling and a good entry point. There are many investors who if they carry on here will be carried away by “the men in white coats” currently reports of an increase in white hair happenings are unconfirmed.

The penny just doesn’t seem to of dropped with some investors.

Sterling Energy have consistently failed to deliver share-holder value over many years. Research their track record. Share dilutions ,share consolidation, broken promises of a return of funds and down right sharp practices particularly regarding the sale of the USA assets which were deliberately stalled until they had rinsed stock-holders out of many millions of pounds via the shotgun fund-raising. “Coincidentally” the USA asset sale went through just after the completion of the fund-raising  increasing the company’s capital.

Sterling used to be led by the aptly named DICK STABBINS who was pushed aside to mollify investors. But dear Dick is still there creaming in pay and expenses. In fact the whole board are a shambolic set of ageing Vampires sucking the very life blood of investors. Poorly managed and misfiring in Kurdistan just as they were poorly managed in the USA. It’s like backing a horse punters should study the form.

Now don’t get me wrong the carry on in Kurdistan could very well end up actually finding the oil BUT to my mind there are better companies out there to invest in not least Xcite,GKP,NAUTICAL,ENCORE,DESIRE CAZA,PETROLATINA, BP and good old Rocky hopper currently changing the lives of many of those who have held through thick and thin! In other words why the hell would you want to burn your brain cells out on this company?

The stock will turn your hair grey in a matter of months! Current holders should invest a few pounds in Grecian 2000!

I sincerely hope for all still holding that the Kurdistan drill hits oil otherwise all hell will break loose.

Good Luck.



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No Responses

  1. marion says:

    you have helped me a lot over time, are you able to tell me anything regarding borders and southern, i have a small investment. and have a few in encore on which i am making money, thanks to you.

  2. TraderBoyBow says:

    Dan are you hearing anything about Nautical, the Sidetrack should be completed by now?

  3. miopus says:

    Dan, what might be useful, is if you suggested rough exit strategies for your top performing stocks – like NPE and EO, GKP, CHAR.

    Great share selections, but not all of us have endless amounts of money, and the time to sell in order to maximise profit can be trickier than the buying at a low point (which you do help with).

    • Brokerman says:

      Well Miopus that’s a good point but i can’t advise investors when to buy or when to sell as that would be seen by some as manipulation.
      I have JUST!sold 25,000 today on the news hit (@ 315P) and currently still hold 15,000 NPE.

      Great day.


  4. reggie says:

    I’m currently quite heavy down on a t20 for sterling assuming oil had been found. Is there anything i could do to stem the loss of blood. Need 1.40 to break even so any help dan?

  5. Pi1010 says:

    Hi Miopus,
    you will never time the top price, far more column inches are spent on buying the right stocks than when to sell them. The strategy I have used time and again is to halve out, if you had £1,000 invested in one of these small oilers, and it’s now worth £2,500 then sell £1,500 worth of shares, this brings you back to your original £1,000 value holding and re-balances (de-risks) your portfolio. You have banked your gains, that money lives to fight on in another investment and you still have your original stake in the share.

    If the price continues to rise as it has done on Rockhopper you can halve out again. The risk of holding and holding in hope is that you will be disappointed when the price falls or disappointed if it rises further. Halving down or using other fractions works for me and I feel better for it. I manage my shares for fun, sidestepping the disappointments is an essential part.

    Now, I’m sure there are readers on her who will say I am talking basic reverse pound cost averaging stuff, but it never hurts to remind yourself as well as recalling your motives for taking risks on shares in the first place. If you are happy with the gains, then take some profits. Dan, I have to say right now I’m pretty happy.

  6. Biggleswick says:

    Crikey, poor Sterling, poor Sterling holders.

    Sounds like they should be investing in Kleenex too. 🙁

    (I hope it will come good though! I hate disasters.), pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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