, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


For all those who are currently musing the issues enveloping the above two chat forums.

I refer you to my post of 19th  December 2009 regarding Bashers operating on III.

I specifically named NTOG and Nighthawk energy as being targeted by Bashers.

At the time of the posting there was a great wailing and gnashing of the teeth from some over on the boards. Allegeding that the post was nonsense. How wrong they were. As usual this blog has called it correctly  some 7/8 months before the issue finally came to a head.

Now we see that in actual fact some companies (rightly or wrongly) are going after posters. This in my view is bolting the door after the horse has gone.  Nighthawk, Ntog et al are in my opinion merely trying to cloud over their respective  company performance.

I feel genuinely sorry for Matt Lofgran and i personally think he is genuine. Unfortunately he has taken the unenviable task of trying to turn NTOG around. But that still doesn’t negate Ntogs’ terrible performance over the last 12months. What these companies need to do is to differeniate between legimate shorters and paid Bashers.

Nighthawk have failed their share-holders, Ntog have failed and so too has Empryean.

As for III/ADVFN i find their respective behaviour reprehensible particulary as both organisations failed to address the matter until forced to do so by legal action. They have both spilled their guts breaking confidentiality when in fact this problem should of been resolved in-house last year.

I hope that the companies now embroiled in this mess can put the same amount of energy into turning their respective organisations round for the benefit of all. I and this blog wish them well.


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No Responses

  1. Phil says:

    Yeah i remember your posts on the bashers.
    Bashergate has certainly erupted on III its there own fault dan. i personally reported them more times than i can remember all to no avail. the admin just ignored our concerns we on iii reported them thousands of times. sayin that i feel that Matty will come good with nostra ive had loads of email contact with this geezer.

  2. OILBUG says:


    Encore RNS most welcome seems positive !

    any news on Nautical Petroleum kraken field ? ie news RNS by mid September ??????????

  3. Chillaxed says:

    Hi Dan

    Great blog and tips, I made money from GKp and should now make money from Encore.
    As you say my money my choice but its great to have someone who gives out some news for me to then start researching. I was not aware of GKP until I read your blog and sold to get into EO at the right time.

    Cheers and everyone do you own research and take responsibility for your decisions!

  4. miopus says:

    Dan, can you tell us why you warn investors about bashers so much but still permit this on your site ?

    • Brokerman says:

      There are no bashers operating from this blog.

      If a company fails to deliver share-holder value then investors are entitled to question the management.
      Try to calm down and differentiate between genuine investor anger and criminal activity ie;Paid Bashers.


      • miopus says:

        Time will tell what will happen to people like “Jimmyjagger” and his multiple aliases (who did post on your blog)

  5. miopus says:

    Training for those who have difficulty understanding NTOG RNS’ courtesy of Billy on

    “We have paid 2000ft drill so whatever we find is ours etc. The RNS from the 16/06/10 stated :- A new lateral section extending just over 1900 feet horizontally from the original wellbore has been drilled into the Lower Austin Chalk. In an initial 24- hour flow test the redeveloped well produced at a gross rate of 994 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 804,000 cubic feet of gas per day (mcfd). The well has sustained those production levels during the initial 3-day production period although we anticipate production levels to decrease in line with the relatively steep decline curves typical of the area and so will provide an update at a later date. The re-entry included the prospect of two different laterals. The first lateral in the so-called upper “B Zone” and the second in the lower “A Zone”. Within the first few days of drilling, indications of producibility in the B zone were so strong that the decision was made to stop drilling and put the well into production sooner. The drilling of the second lateral into the lower “A Zone” has been deferred as a target for a later date. NOW the RNS 7/06/10 stated:- Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company plc (AIM: NTOG) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Sherpa Energy Resources, L.P. to acquire a 2% interest in an Austin Chalk re-entry well in Lee County, Texas, for US$17,800. The Austin Chalk re-entry well is a long-standing production well being redeveloped with the objective of recovering significant additional oil and gas reserves. The original well was drilled vertically in 1984 and produced oil and gas for many years from the historically prolific Austin Chalk formation. The redevelopment plan is to re-enter and horizontally drill a lateral section into the Lower Austin Chalk, extending up to 2,000 feet from the original wellbore. This technique has already been used very successfully on a number of similar wells within the area. The total cost of drilling the lateral section and equipping the well is estimated at US$890,000. NTOG’s proportionate contribution to these costs has been satisfied by the consideration referred to above. You have to read the RNS backwards from the 16/06. So it confirms we have covered ourselves for the 2nd zone. Bloogy good 2% deal. “, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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