, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Nautical/Encore. Update

Just a quick reiteration here on these two E&P oilers.

Do not  take your eyes off these two oilers as  they will both be trading at a significantly higher range than their present sp in short time.

When they blow it will be extremely difficult to get stock at the press of a button telephone trades will be required.

Nautical have just completed a placing that was over subscribed several institutions failed to get on board at the 125p placing. Stake building is a near certainty given the huge discoveries at Catcher,kraken Mariner etc. Nautical are also involved in other drill prospects Tudor rose,Merrow with more license awards very likely. Make no mistake here Nautical are destined to become a major player in the North sea.You’ll all note that the sp increased after the official rns on the placing. A sure sign of market/company confidence.

200p target still stands here although 300p is looking more likely as each day passes.

Encore are on  market watch here given the Catcher estimate could very well exceed the present 300 mmbbls and bearing in mind that their management team were responsible for the Buzzard discovery in 2001 bodes well for share-holders. There are very few E&P companies that are debt free Encore and Nautical are.

The business conducted with Egdon will enhance Encores’ uk and French licenses which will in turn help Old head of Kinsale,Cobra and the Schull gas discoveries

As for Cladhan the market awaits news.

100 pence for encore is in all honesty probabley on the low side i really expect this company to hit 150p once the full oip at catcher/cladhan progress’s into a FDP.

Keep faith with your holding.


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No Responses

  1. gav fielding says:

    can we get the tags back so that we can look at say all the nautical stories together? otherwise you have to go back in chronological order though the blog. (BTW I love the vivid blue background, very relaxing).

  2. Jim Quinn says:

    Thanks Dan for bringing some light to the situation. I am a rare contributor to bulletin boards because there are too many pretentious amatuers trying to impress less experienced investors. The LSE EnCore BB is the worst I’ve encountered. Keep up the good work and remember that the vast majority of your readers appreciate your advice.

  3. berkshireknight says:

    HI Dan,
    I cant really make sense of todays rise:
    1. IEG have unloaded 11,000,000 shares with ii’s which, on the one hand has removed one area of uncertainly for NPE but on the other hand the stock may/will end up in the open market and have to be absorbed/maybe they already have been??
    2. placing was at a 12% discount to yesterdays SP which would normally have caused a retrace but perhaps not in this case due to the market confidence
    3. Sell/buy ratio was over 3-1 on LSE
    4. was the rise partly due to imminent spud of Kraken?

    What is your take on all of this?

    • Brokerman says:

      The ieg stock off-load may have a sell clause attached to the stock.
      I wouldn’t concern yourself re’ the dilution or any stock/off-load due to the fact that Nautical stock is still thin on the ground.
      The sell/buy ratio is a manipulation reflecting what MM’s want you to think. IE, buys put through as sells in-order to balance intra-market trade sells, OK trades etc.
      Nautical will rise significantly and unlike gkp there is no war raging which will equate to a more stable sp.
      However always remember that when news/rumour is lacking AIM stock drift down.

      Daniel, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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