, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Gulf Keystone. Update/Takeover.

You will all recall some time ago that the Blog forecast a complete takeover here rather than full production? Well it seems that matters may well be coming to a head at GKP. The spooks that hunt down and garner the intelligence/news here have been busy little bees of late. Some say takeover talks are on-going others disagree such is the City of London.

The GKP alleged takeover is thought to of  been going on for many, many months. The problems are myriad and complex. You are all aware of the full story here; GKP drills,oip,Iragi political situation etc etc so i will not bore you all with a reiteration.

Suffice it to say that my gut feelings based on hundreds of hours of single minded analysis (some scoffed and ridiculed) is that TAKEOVER talks here are complex not least because GKP are thought to be talking to more than one suitor.  Chinese,Korean,American French? Take your pick! The certainity posted on here many times is this: A small E+P (gkp) have hit the JACKPOT.  The sharks are beginning to circle for the company. What is now being decided is who can offer the best terms.

Addendum: Any buys under 100p here are in my opinion an absolute steal to all those who are currently holding at above todays sp i say to you hold your nerve fortune will favour the brave here.

Good Luck


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No Responses

  1. Richard says:

    And your conclusion is???

  2. Anne Chance says:

    any guestimate on price and timing Daniel?

  3. Charlie says:

    Well done dan i recall you called the TKO here first before the recent piece in the press. bought at 67p and am holding for a treble bagger.
    Some jealous barstewards out there pal.
    Keep up the great work always appreciated here.

    Charlie Krays mate

  4. brendan says:

    Nice piece Dan, top notch as always!

  5. spoonf;icker says:

    Why dont ya come on and post on LSE any more Danny?
    You certainly livened up the boards; Good shout on Gkp any news forthcoming on an rns?

    • Brokerman says:

      I was banned for alleged insider dealings. Your nasty old friend kept reporting me.
      What a horrible person he is. Rotten and envious in his dottage!


  6. jimmy says:

    Oh dear

  7. MACCA1873 says:

    Any further news?

  8. matey123 says:

    Dan the man! Any news on GCM and Petromatad (MATD)

    MATD found some oil but looking for your insight on any further leaks.

  9. mozza7 says:

    hi dan when do you think this t/o will happen

  10. fpinvestor says:

    hey Dan,

    Do you have an email address to contact you? I want to ask what your opinion on HAWK is, just reply here if not 🙂



  11. Geoff Luckett says:

    There was a deal reported today of almost 13m GKP shares traded on 21/07 and reported late. The 21st July was before the rumours started about a £2.50/£4 takeover.
    I am sure that you agree that that is a very suspicious occurence.
    Do you have a comment ?

    • Brokerman says:

      Give me the details and i’ll run it through our system here.
      I need the time,date and what type of trade it was, ie Negotiated,Uncrossing,Ordinary etc.


      • Geoff Luckett says:

        All I can tell you at the moment is that the transaction was 12,590,000 shares dealt at 69.75 @ 17.57.10 on 21/07, and reported at 17.15pm on 27/10.
        Hope this is helpful.

        • Geoff Luckett says:

          That should of course read ‘reported at 17.15pm on 27/07’. Sorry about that !

  12. dj says:

    Dan, are you still hopeful on GKP? With Ramadan approaching, the T/O either happens in the next few days, or not at all.

  13. dj says:

    Hi, can you update your GKP page, even if just to say “all is believed still to be fine, despite the Iraqi political situation – the buy recommendation remains in place”? There are many sites that believe the political situation in iraq will not be sorted until the autumn… Of course the AGM is on Tuesday and some people expect announcements on Monday, but I don’t know how to assess their expectation of that. Thanks., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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