, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Vernalis. Amazing.

Well the great thing about the city of London is that it never ceases to amaze!

Vernalis are now being rated as a speculative pharma buy in-house here.

It seems that news is leaking out re’ one of their collaborations/trials, has Ian Garland pulled off a miracle?

You all know my thoughts re’ this Board of robbers.

If they rise will they hit 76p? Doubtful.

Takeover? Anythings possible particulary with Garlands track record.

I think that it may have more to do with the recent regain/buy back of the rights to Frovatriptan which will  bring  more revenue/income on stream then was at first thought.

The cancer that is endemic to this board may well be in remission but tread carefully a relapse is always on the cards on the not so great ship Vernalis!

We shall see time will tell.


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  2. GTG says:

    Any word on FOGL Dan ?

    Thanks, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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