, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Vernalis….. MUTINY!

I have  been asked for my views through  emails for my take on how best to tackle this company’s complete disregard for small investors.


A call to arms is needed here.  ALL private investors need to rally around support for a motion for an EGM. This is the only way that investors will ever get to the bottom of what is really happening  on the ROTTEN ship Vernalis. Motions need to be submitted for a designated private investor/ group to sit on the Board!

Organise yourself, read the articles of association and get the votes needed to carry the motion for an Extraordinary General Meeting. There are enough of you out there with the intelligence to organise a MUTINY.

You’ll only ever get answers from this Board when you become a threat to their lucrative pay and expense accounts.

It’s easy enough these days to organise , the internet and social networking sites offer  a fantastic opportunity for campaigners.  USE IT!

Bring this BOARD DOWN!


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