, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


The RNS ALERT is still on. The word here is that GKP may well have pulled the RNS that was alerted on Sunday/Monday. It is not unusual for an RNS to be withdrawn by a company. I spoke to a contact over at Reuters and she tells me that her news service had alerted on Sunday, i also spoke to a contact over at the Telegraph who seems to think that GKP are about to announce a funding deal now this may have a bearing on any news that was listed for this week. As i presume that funding news may well take precedent over the time line of news flow. My telephone calls to the offical news service at the Exchange have been met with a stoned response of neither denial or confirmation of an RNS lodged for this week.

Apology to the Blogship for my belated post on the alert however i have recently undergone a promotion which in reality means an extra workload i usually got home at 6pm but now i’m lucky if i get in before 8.30pm.

Keep the faith it is only a matter of time before GKP blows!


PS Hightex on the march again. SEY disappointing all here you were all warned about the SEY board.  Optare hold your nerve the Roy Stanley sell may well of been of a personal nature; just a whisper.

This may well have a bearing on gkp click the link.

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No Responses

  1. miopus says:

    See RNS out this morning. Also RNS on NTOG today.

  2. richl says:

    good to hear from you Dan-
    just a note for fellow oilys –
    RRL have had the Texas gas board in to fit the Meters to their SMith Well

  3. stevebuffet says:

    Thanks Dan, is this mornings RNS regarding sale of assets to BG the one you were referring too, as you indicated funding as the main news from the rns. Is there still an alert on?

  4. Barnstonpickle says:

    Well done Dan once again me old china you are right on the money.
    you are the main man. where are the doubters now thin on the ground keep up the great work here we all appreciate it.


  5. twellerama says:

    sold half my gkp holding on todays spike,ive been in long and seven bagged but todays rns spells trouble.9m is a shocker compared to what gkp had it valued in at,and the funding issue will end up being resolved with huge dilution,evo today confirmed negative outlook on gkp.just too much downside to this.will keep half in on a free ride and trade them.good luck to everybody.

  6. revoc2 says:

    hi Dan, just a reply in re to your comment…..

    “Keep the faith it is only a matter of time before GKP blows!


    God forbid that i should make any negative comments in re to GKP!! (WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHO DO!), but i have been following your comments in re to gkp, and your phrases like the one above seem a far far cry from what is actually happening down here on planet Earth to gkp share price!!!! i am heavily invested here, as are alot of other people…everyone has/had high hopes for gkp, but alas, it has come to nothing, as all we have seen so far is a slow, but sure drip drip down in the share price, and no matter the amount of good news, it has no effect what so ever on gkp?
    are we wrong in hoping or have we been duped!!!!

    • Diamondbob says:

      There are 2 things you should know about this share,

      1. It’s a Aim listed pump and dump, sell on the release of ANY rns and sell it quick.

      2 Dan as consistantly lost people on this blog a considerably amount of money by always recommending hold your stock, he as been saying this since this stock was well in excess of £1. Wrong strategy for an Aim registered companies, as you have probably noted by now.

      Best of luck, DB

      • RedRich says:

        I have to agree. Whilst there’s no doubt that Dan has information that allows him to see when an RNS is about to be released, that’s about it. I’ve followed a couple of tips on here (TRP & GCM most recently) & am losing money on every one. I hope that things turn around & I’m proved wrong… I’ll be the first to apologise. However at this moment in time I’m with Bob.

      • Brokerman says:

        What a complete load of tosh you write Diamond Bob. Investors need to remember that GKP are not some “pump and dump stock” as you put it but an exploration company that are sat on over 10 billion barrels of oil. Any company would give their hind teeth to be in this situation. As for people like yourself who are trying to second guess the SP by day trading it is inevitable that your trading stratergy will flounder on short-term daily trades. I have warned you many times on this blog that most PI’s will be shaken out of this stock long before TO or production. And to accuse this blog of losing you money is laughable. Your trading pattern of trying to day-trade, along with your lack of financial acumen is your down fall along with your poor attitude.


        • Chris says:

          Good morning Dan,

          Good to see you are still with us! Hows the new job going? Longer days starting to take their toll I bet!

          Of course the obvious question – latest rumours / whispers if anything? What is your take on yesterdays news release.


  7. shaun says:

    Dan i for one am very glad of your help. DB is full of sour grapes hes obviously failed to as everyone knows DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! While i do enjoy reading the boards i DONOT base my tradeson them i merely take on board what is being commented on. Then i double check some more. Diamond nob stop trying to blame peeps for your miserable share performance. What a Nob jockey you are.

    Shaunie wright wright wright!, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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