, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Important information RE’ PYC

For the investors who have posted for information on PYC.

Have been watching PYC since it began to flicker into life. I have researched this company and several weeks ago had a very interesting LONG telephone call with their chief operating officer Dr C Chassagnole. (A french sounding chap)
I will not post what was discussed. But in his words PYC are a very, very, long term investment. Even then he stated that he was totally bemused by the current share price movement it was 0.58, up from 0.28. They were so worried about how this could effect the companies credibility that they had contacted their advisers.
It is my opinion that PYC are a very risky investment and that the upward movement is due to an internet lead share price manipulation of a penny share stock. Beware of getting caught when it collapses as it surely will.


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